Do you protest having intercourse with women on their period?

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Dan Emanuel

Active member
...humans tend to shy away from same gender sex due to the increased chances of sexually transmitted disease...
Any promiscuous behavior at all (i.e., fornication, hooking-up, adultery, prostitution) can and does lead to all sort's of nasty infection's and infestation's.

'Wonder why that would be? :eek:
...Therefore, it is natural for humans to NOT engage in same gender sexual behavior.



New member
Firstly, you aren't persecuting straight sodomizers, only gay ones. That's a huge civil rights issue in itself.
Not at all.

The scriptures condemn same-gender sex, and doesn't differentiate between whether it is a homosexual, a bi-sexual, a pan-sexual, a sexually fluid, or a heterosexual person committing the act.

All are treated the same under the law of God.
God is no respecter of a person's self-declared orientation.

patrick jane

According to Leviticus, it's just as evil and wicked as sodomy. Funny that you don't see protests against this kind of behavior seeing as it's punishable by death in the Bible. Why is that?

OP - Do you protest having intercourse with women on their period? - Today, 08:32 AM

I protest having intercourse, period. it's not all it's cracked up to be - I actually walk the streets with protest signs - :crackup:
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