Fool Around and Find Out

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
One of the common themes of content creators on social media (YouTube is the platform that I am most familiar with) is the reaction video. In its simplest terms the creator goes out in public, finds a target, annoys them and either films the reaction or has a partner film the reaction. In most of the cases that I'm aware of, these social parasites have found that the best reaction is one of anger. It brings the most clicks and views from their subscribers. And it brings the most money to them.

The reason I'm posting this thread is because this video came across my feed this morning.

"Unclean Hands" is reporting on the shooting of a YouTube content creator whose channel is called "Common Goons". Tanner Cook, self-described "YouTube prankster" was out annoying people the other day and got shot for his trouble.

If you look at the latest video he posted on his channel, his routine appears to be to pretend to be a big retard and go out and drool on people. Other productions by this social parasite show him pretending to vomit on Uber drivers, pretending to steal things from stores and citizens, and generally acting like an annoying retard.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
This may or may not have gotten some attention here on TOL - it happened last summer. This was a stupid 17-year-old white kid in Ohio who was shooting a "gel pellet gun" out of a car and made the stupid decision to shoot it at some inner city kids who pulled him out of the car and beat him to death. If I commented on it in the past I'm sure I reported it as a candidate for the Darwin awards.

Liming and his friends were in a car shooting at people with a toy water gun (later reports clarified that it was a gel pellet gun, like an airsoft gun) when a physical fight between the juveniles and another group took a deadly turn.

Officers were dispatched around 10:45 p.m. Thursday to the parking lot of 400 West Market Street, just east of the basketball court of the I Promise School, on a call of a fight.

When they arrived, they found a boy, later identified as Liming, lying on the ground unresponsive.

Aid was rendered to Liming, but “unfortunately their efforts were unsuccessful and Ethan was pronounced dead at the scene,” Akron police Chief Stephen Mylett said in a news conference Wednesday.
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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
This one got a lot of press. The "prank" was to put a length of PVC tubing up to a random stranger's ear and yell into it as loud as you can. The Retard prankster chose a guy who wasn't having it.

Caution: language

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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Is it wrong for me to find some kind of guilty pleasure in seeing these cretins getting back what they deserve? And I will qualify it by saying that nobody deserves to die for this sort of thing. But I'm content to see them getting shot or body slammed or beaten senseless.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Here's another one. A woman who had just given birth to twins was shopping when she was attacked from behind by "pranksters" recording the attack for social media. I don't know how this resolved. I hope they were caught and charged with assault and battery.

If that was my wife, my sister, my daughter, etc, I would want to hunt down those little cretins and beat them crippled.

The incident in question happened at a Target in Tustin, California on March 26. The target of this specific TikTok bucket prank, Lana Clay-Monaghan, is a 35-year-old mother of infant twins who suffers from epilepsy resulting from cancer. According to Clay-Monaghan, a group of teenage males put a bucket over her head while she was shopping. Clay-Monaghan said she panicked as she struggled to remove the object, triggering an epileptic event that caused her to eventually lose consciousness and pass out. She says that when she turned around and saw the teens, they had their cameras out and were laughing at her, and that that was the last thing she saw before collapsing. Lana was rushed to a nearby hospital and treated.
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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

Jurors found Alan Colie innocent of the felony charge but found him guilty of "using a firearm during the commission of a felony." And for some reason the retarded judge let that stand and Colie is still in jail where he's been ever since the incident. Because Justice in America.
