Gender differences and a recently definied word: Sexism


New member
Yes , the word sexism did not exist until a faculty student meeting at a college in 1965. To me, there are many differences between men and women and it's not sexist to acknowledge it. It is sexist to make judgements about a person based on gender because there are traits that overshadow sexual differences. Trump has been called a sexist because of his offensive remarks. He offends both genders equally, but when he offends, I don't believe he thinks the offended is defined by their gender but merely uses a gender based trait ( looks, weight) to offend. He doesn't avoid gender in his arsenal of attacks and so I don't see him as being sexist.


People want to hate on patriarchy- but it's the most important mechanism of mankind. It got us out of mud huts, it gave us a foundation- feminism didn't do jack but perpetuate the enmity between man and women.

This new generation is being duped into a fabrication of natural order- 'sexism' is the belief that one sex is superior to the other, and this is considered hatred.
Never mind that it's simply a fact men are superior- it's why we we're patriarchal in the first place.

I mean, what are you going to do, that's just the way God made us- get over the 'sexism' nonsense :idunno:


Well-known member
Never mind that it's simply a fact men are superior- it's why we we're patriarchal in the first place.

Superior..... How?
Men are bigger, stronger, physically more powerful, on average, but that's it, really. Modern equipment and machinery levels us all, physically.

But mentally and intellectually women hold their own very well. The next US President could well be a woman, which says it all. Look at how many women are professional people, judges, doctors, lawyers, etc.

It's not a problem that women are going to have the same deal as men, unless you let it.


But mentally and intellectually women hold their own very well. The next US President could well be a woman, which says it all. Look at how many women are professional people, judges, doctors, lawyers, etc.

Is it just me, or do you all just make things up to deny the inevitable?

Women are only where they are because of men. The feminist movement began in the post-industrial era; how daft do you have to be to sit there and pretend that women weren't grafted into the fruits of men :doh:

And at that, they aren't very good in their offices either. Men surpass women in every field, from police officer to fine art. So reality is misogyny, I suppose- makes perfect sense being that you all do not live in it :rolleyes: