Those neg rep givers are grudge holders.
Not necessarily, no.
It is so unchristian behavior.
Not unless they say something unChrisitian in the rep, no.
And they claim true and saved Christians.
I doubt everyone who neg reps you is a Christian.
do you want to see how many are on my ignore list who are constantly giving me a neg reps?
I think they should be exposed
What, you think they're hiding the fact? :chuckle:
would you say most of the these christians are not concerned about how they treat their neighbor?
I'd say a neg rep, absent untoward language, is a form of objection at best and a petty slight at worst. But I can't help noticing that your consideration is a bit one sided. When you have a number of established members from very different views neg repping you (especially those who aren't known for the practice) the greater likelihood is that you've done something to merit it. It's at least worth considering.
they love only whom they like. It is not of Jesus. Jesus says to love your enemy. We should never hold grudge on anyone.
And yet you keep people on ignore. Heck, you put me there just for disagreeing with you about love and long before I'd ever given you a neg rep for the whole thread with my name on it.

They are behaving like teenage bullies who aim and attack weak ones.
So a person should be allowed to be as rude as they like so long as they're new? :AMR: And how do you mean weak or strong. Chrys has the most rep power around here. Is he being a bully by giving a neg rep to anyone else?
they feel safe to do it because I am the least popular here. It is cowardly behavior.
How would it be cowardly if you can see who it is and they're the same people you have on ignore for publicly challenging you before you...hide from them.

Brave Sir Robin indeed.
neg repping has bothered me a lot
Then you should stop doing it.

I would like to see it discussed more
we are supposed to love even our enemies
giving neg reps is not the way to do it
You don't love a child by letting it throw food in a restaurant. But again, you should stop doing it if you feel that way.
I mostly don't care for it so I mostly don't do it.
I may have to post on town's thread
he keeps posting on the other one
:yawn: Like you, apparently, I have no idea what you're talking about. :idunno:
EDIT: apparently you mean the other thread by the same name. Like I said there, you should definitely close that one and complete the lame Gros defense that technically meets the charge but fails on principle.
So it's much like Gros or you in response then. :think: Touche.