Theology Club: Help me out - new writers


New member
Hello all Open Theists.

I have started a website of which that you may be familiar if you follow the OT facebook groups.

It is called .

My purpose is to build a hub of Open Theists to which people can turn to see a spread of Open Theist blog posts and views. I am looking for blogs to which to link and people willing to submit content.

Submitted content can be:
Short observations
Full length blog posts
Links to material on the issue

Any post about Open Theism is welcome. Open Theism is defined by the view that God is free and the future is open. Omniscience, defined in the classical sense, is not Biblical. Linked and hosted blog posts will be about this issue. Blog posts criticizing other bloggers will not be hosted or linked.

I will also try to link to posts on Theology Online.

Anyone interested?