Hollywood pedophiles


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I wonder why he doesnt come out and name them then? Save another kid.
At this point I am not sure what his motive really is for waiting.

I can speculate both pro and con for waiting.

On the pro side, if he really is wanting to bring down a pedophile ring, waiting to see who offers him a payoff to NOT mention their name would be further evidence of his allegations.
And ..... others that have seen him make this stand just may come forward also if they see that the public really is concerned and does want to know names, AND (most importantly) will not stand for it being brushed aside, covered up, and the pervs protected.

On the con side, it could be just a publicity stunt or he is holding the names hostage for money.
But even if that were true, it has caused a stir, especially with all the other allegations of Hollywood and politics lately.
And I am hoping there is abundant shame and outrage expressed by Americans and the whole world that we will shun the pervs no matter how great they are in Hollywood (actors, producers, etc.).

And I am especially watching how other actors, producers, etc. are reacting to names that have already been mentioned by others, such as Kevin Spacey and Harvey Weinstein.

So, even if his motive is not pure, it will at least keep the ball rolling to expose these pervs.
And not only do I want to know the names of all the pervs, but I also want to know who knew about it and turned a blind eye.

The Horn

There are a lot more pedophiles and sexual predators in the Republican party , both in Washington and in political office all over the country than in Hollywood .
It's the height of hypocrisy for conservatives to scream about creeps like Harvey Weinstein and other famous actors, directors and producers while remaining silent about the rampant sexual misconduct among GOP politicians, especially Donald Trump .
I'm not condoning the behavior of individuals like Harvey Weinstein and other Hollywood bigwigs in any way . But they're private citizens, not politicians , who are theoretically supposed to know better and are expected to set a good example for the American public .
Former GOP bigwig Dennis Hastert was recently convicted of molesting young boys . And there are more than a few others in the Repugnican party (my spelling) who haven't been caught - yet .
Donald Trump is a notorious sexual predator - and he's the leader of the free world . So why do so many prominent Christian leaders in America support him enthusiastically ?
It's funny how the same Americans who think former president Obama is actually a Muslim also believe that Trump is actually a Christian . Go figure .
So much for Republican party "family values ". At least the democrats and liberal celebrities condemned Weinstein in no uncertain terms after the awful news abut him was revealed .


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There are a lot more pedophiles and sexual predators in the Republican party , both in Washington and in political office all over the country than in Hollywood .
You don't know how many are in Washington or Hollywood.

It's the height of hypocrisy for conservatives to scream about creeps like Harvey Weinstein and other famous actors, directors and producers while remaining silent about the rampant sexual misconduct among GOP politicians, especially Donald Trump .
Well well well.
You do remember Democrat Bill Clinton, and his supportive Democrat wife, don't you?

I'm not condoning the behavior of individuals like Harvey Weinstein and other Hollywood bigwigs in any way . But they're private citizens, not politicians , who are theoretically supposed to know better and are expected to set a good example for the American public .
We don't cotton to pedophiles ANYWHERE.
It's not worse for a politicians than it is for a Hollywood actor.
I can't believe you would even attempt to say such a thing.

Former GOP bigwig Dennis Hastert was recently convicted of molesting young boys . And there are more than a few others in the Repugnican party (my spelling) who haven't been caught - yet .
This is the most disgusting excuse ever.
"So and so did it too."

So much for Republican party "family values ".
Republicans and Trump's family values are much better than the Democrats and the Clintons'.

At least the democrats and liberal celebrities condemned Weinstein in no uncertain terms after the awful news abut him was revealed .
Ummmm, so did Republicans and conservatives.
How many have known all along and have been keeping it secret is what I want to know.


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All of this has been known for years....it's so much a part of Hollywood. It's also why we see so much homosexuality in the industry. Talk about messing up kids....
It's gotten sickening.
It's to the point that hardly a single movie or TV series does not have some faggot character in it.

Hollywood, listen up .......... you can make some very good and entertaining movies and TV shows without faggots in them.


Well-known member
There are a lot more pedophiles and sexual predators in the Republican party , both in Washington and in political office all over the country than in Hollywood .
It's the height of hypocrisy for conservatives to scream about creeps like Harvey Weinstein and other famous actors, directors and producers while remaining silent about the rampant sexual misconduct among GOP politicians, especially Donald Trump .
I'm not condoning the behavior of individuals like Harvey Weinstein and other Hollywood bigwigs in any way . But they're private citizens, not politicians , who are theoretically supposed to know better and are expected to set a good example for the American public .
Former GOP bigwig Dennis Hastert was recently convicted of molesting young boys . And there are more than a few others in the Repugnican party (my spelling) who haven't been caught - yet .
Donald Trump is a notorious sexual predator - and he's the leader of the free world . So why do so many prominent Christian leaders in America support him enthusiastically ?
It's funny how the same Americans who think former president Obama is actually a Muslim also believe that Trump is actually a Christian . Go figure .
So much for Republican party "family values ". At least the democrats and liberal celebrities condemned Weinstein in no uncertain terms after the awful news abut him was revealed .



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Kevin Spacey was a good actor.
I watched the House of Cards series (5 seasons) last year and really liked it.

It has been reported that season 6 will not be aired due to recent allegations.

It high time we got back to shunning and shamming these perverts.
Expose them all!!!!


Well-known member
Kevin Spacey was a good actor.
I watched the House of Cards series (5 seasons) last year and really liked it.

It has been reported that season 6 will not be aired due to recent allegations.

It high time we got back to shunning and shamming these perverts.
Expose them all!!!!

Yeah, I watched that, too. There were some scenes in House of Cards which portrayed Spacey as a bi-sexual, and he certainly looked comfortable in the role. Now I know why.


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This may explain why:
She says he's telling the truth about knowing names of pedophiles.

But she does question why he thinks the best way to expose Hollywood pedophiles is to make a Hollywood movie and sell tickets to expose them.
There might be ittle poetic justice in that.


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Yeah, I watched that, too. There were some scenes in House of Cards which portrayed Spacey as a bi-sexual, and he certainly looked comfortable in the role. Now I know why.
He and his wife were soooooooooooooo devious in that show.
They would throw any rival or obstacle under the bus, both figuratively and literally.

I heard the original British version was just as good.
So I might have to watch it too to see how it ends.


She says he's telling the truth about knowing names of pedophiles.

But she does question why he thinks the best way to expose Hollywood pedophiles is to make a Hollywood movie and sell tickets to expose them.
There might be ittle poetic justice in that.
Maybe he could just use the work. Nobody should blame him for that.


Well-known member
He and his wife were soooooooooooooo devious in that show.
They would throw any rival or obstacle under the bus, both figuratively and literally.

I heard the original British version was just as good.
So I might have to watch it too to see how it ends.

Yeah, I watched it. It was funny. I love those British shows. I don't remember how many episodes there were. I'll have to check and see if I missed any. Thanks for the reminder...I'd forgotten all about it.