I'm with McCain: "ashamed" of my country..


New member
How can you be certain of this?

What places might you look at online to find out?

What will you do if you discover you are in error?

I have read history books written by eyewitnesses RE Israel (Ariel Sharon, etc)

I'm careful about what I read.

and also, I never said everyone in Israel is perfect..



maybe not, but they sure got some cute soldiers! :Shimei:



Well-known member
I doubt they do

But maybe if they do it is b/c the Palestinians want to eliminate them

self preservation is the first law of nature, ya know

It was put into the charter in the beginning because Israel was created by Zionists who wanted to take over Palestine. All of it. It was created before the Arabs had a reason to want to get rid of them. But I suppose you are of the opinion that Israel can do no wrong because they have a place in God's plan. It's interesting to note that the Arabs in Palestine had the same complaint about the Jews not assimilating into their society like we complain about Muslims not assimilating into our culture. The big difference is the Jews all along planned to carve out a nation for themselves while the Muslims coming here just want to enjoy freedom and opportunity, with a few exceptions of course.