Leftist Politics and Pedophilia


New member
Because self and self-gratification is their idol, and any attempt to moralize is unthinkable to them, because they don't want to be judged for immorality.


It’s our entire society that plays around at sexualizing young children in our culture and on our media outlets.

When I became a father of a daughter I began to feel a lot of discomfort when I noticed these trends.

Somehow I was able to talk to her like a father and we began to both open up about our sensibility and reactions to these trends.

It may be a part of every world culture, for there are pedophiles everywhere--in both progressive and conservative circles.

Perhaps pedophiles brought an adolescent phase to people who are too young to know about sexual desire and normal love. Because they somehow got “stuck” in their adolescent sexual period they continue to “return to the scene of the crime” that set them on their own immoral path.

The fact is we need to find out how and why these adults do what they do. Often it is something that happened to them but I don’t know if that is always the link. But whatever, this sickness needs to be stopped.


New member
Because self and self-gratification is their idol, and any attempt to moralize is unthinkable to them, because they don't want to be judged for immorality.

I really like that answer!

Though I fear that not only people of the left are prone to that thought (talking about the self-gratification here).


I really like that answer!

Though I fear that not only people of the left are prone to that thought (talking about the self-gratification here).
Self gratification is a stage all of us go through. We should--ideally--get to the point where we can actually keep a cookie in our pocket after going shopping with our parents and hold onto it until we get home!

It takes focused parenting, in my opinion, to guide our children through this stage and always keeping our eyes on the prize: to teach our kids in every moment to survive on their own outside the parental nest.

The Horn

Straw man, nothing but a straw man . There is no liberal movement to legalize and encourage pedophilia . This is an urban legend spread by right-wing extremist fear and hate-mongers .
A few weirdos in psychology and psychiatry are advocating the legalization of pedophilia, but they are only a tiny handful of individuals and in no way typical of liberals and liberalism .
Conservatives keep bringing up another straw man, NAMBLA , which no longer even exists and does not represent the views of gay people as a whole at all , any more than the KKK is typical of the views of
Christians .
These conservatives always equate homosexuality with pedophilia , as though all or most gay men are out to molest children, which is a ludicrously untrue accusation .