legislation Cruz has been involved with concerning abortion


New member
I got this information from another poster, but can't tell you which one b/c i copy/pasted it without the name of the person. But anyway:

•Authored an amicus brief for 13 states, successfully defending the federal Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act. The ban was upheld 5-4 before the U.S. Supreme Court;

•Authored an amicus brief for 18 states, successfully defending the New Hampshire parental notification law. The law was upheld 9-0 before the U.S. Supreme Court [note: this brief was awarded the Best Brief Award from the National Association of Attorneys General for U.S. Supreme Court briefs written in 2005-06];

•Successfully defended Texas's Rider 8, which prohibits state funds for groups that provide abortions, winning unanimously before the Fifth Circuit court of appeals


(pretty bad when a minor cannot get an aspirin without parental consent, but can get an abortion w/o parental consent)
