LGBTTQQFAGPBDSM? Housing for 15 Alternative Sexualities Is OK, but Men-Only is Not


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LGBTTQQFAGPBDSM? Housing for 15 Alternative Sexualities Is OK, but Men-Only Fraternities Are Not, Wesleyan University Says

Campus housing specifically for 15 alternative sexualities, including sadomasochists, is acceptable, but fraternities that just allow men are not, at Wesleyan University.

Wesleyan University housing has an option for students who want to live with others identifying with one of 15 categories — LGBTTQQFAGPBDSM. The university's inclusiveness excludes, however, male-only fraternities.

Delta Kappa Epsilon sued Wesleyan University after the liberal arts college ordered all of its fraternities to admit women, charging sexual discrimination and false and deceptive practices.

Wesleyan, a Connecticut college, was founded by the Methodist Episcopal Church and named after 18th century evangelical theologian John Wesley, but is now secular.

According to the suit, Wesleyan offers a range of housing options for it undergraduates (who are required to reside on campus), including, Women of Color House, Womanist House, Malcolm X House, Lighthouse (for "open-minded" Christians), and houses specifically for Latinos and Asians.

One of those housing options is called "Open House," which is for LGBTTQQFAGPBDSM individuals, according to Wesleyan's Office of Residential Life. The 15 letters stand for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, transsexual, queer, questioning, flexual, asexual, genderf***, polyamourous, bondage/disciple, dominance/submission, and sadism/masochism, in that order.

The suit points out that male-only and female-only housing is available in the school's residence halls. The Wesleyan website also touts the school's "diversity of housing options."

The suit complains that the school is not fulfilling its stated goals of diversity and inclusiveness, and is violating its opposition to sex discrimination, by eliminating male-only fraternities as a housing option.

The move to make fraternities accept women was in response to concerns about campus rape. A group of faculty and students argued last Spring that frat parties encourage sexual assault by men against women. The solution was to place more women in fraternities. In an open letter the group called for requiring the school's three all-male fraternities to "drastically reform" and admit women.

The letter stated: "Because fraternities are male-exclusive and the possessors of some of our campus' largest party spaces, they explicitly and implicitly cultivate a gender-based power dynamic that privileges men, the hosts, over women, who are among the guests. This power dynamic engenders sexual assault because women are institutionally encouraged to 'repay' men for their hospitality, often with sex, and men are institutionally provided with a control over their guests, especially women."

Even though fraternities are thought to be a dangerous place for women, the letter states that placing women in fraternities will make them safer by eliminating "the gender-based power dynamics by which sexual assault is promoted within fraternities."

In an interview with The Washington Post, Terence Durkin, president of the Wesleyan DKE chapter, said that DKE was given three years to make the change, and they were prepared to do so, but Wesleyan suddenly moved the timetable to five months. Wesleyan countered, in an emailed statement to The Washington Post, that DKE had not shown sufficient progress in making the necessary changes.

In an op-ed for First Things, Carl R. Trueman, Paul Woolley professor of church history at Westminster Theological Seminary, argued that Wesleyan's expansion of LGBT to 15 letters is emblematic of the current direction of liberal moralism.

"This endless expansion of sexual categories is a necessary consequence of what is now the fundamental tenet of modern sexual politics, and perhaps a key element of modern politics in general: That a person's attitude to sex is the primary criterion for assessing their moral standing in the public square. If you say that sex has intrinsic moral significance, then you set it within a larger moral framework and set limits to the legitimate use of sex. In doing so, you declare certain sexual acts illegitimate, something which is now considered hate speech. This constant coining of new categories of sexual identity serves both to demonstrate this and to facilitate its policing," he wrote.

Its ok to identify as anything except a straight male apparently...

This just blows my mind and one of "legitimate" sexualities there in that 15 letter redefinition, includes one that means its ok to mess with people about their sexuality - in other words straight but plays gay or transgender... (maybe to get into womens locker rooms, who knows?)

At any rate, this is insane.


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Hall of Fame
Anything Can Be Claimed In A Lawsuit. If All Of That Is True ? Scary

Yes, they mandated all male frats there must admit women last year:

Wesleyan University Fraternities Must Start Accepting Women

Wesleyan University's Board of Trustees has mandated that the school's residential fraternities must accept and house both male and female students with the next three years, according to an email sent to the campus community Monday morning.

Wesleyan's fraternity system, although small, has recently become emblematic of many of the problems currently associated with Greek life — one house on campus is known as the "Rape Factory." Campus blog Wesleying reports that the school's Board of Trustees convened this past weekend, "with more than half of the schedule dedicated to the issue of Greek life on campus as well as the future of residential fraternities."

Read more:

Seems only gay males are allowed to be all male there now.


New member
This is why I've lost all respect for Ivy League colleges and the world of academia. Even Harvard and Yale are tipped in this direction. "Anything so long as it is postmodern; anything so long as it breaks with Christian tradition".

Such blatant hypocrisy is hard to stomach.

I never imagined we would reach this point in our lifetime (those of us who belong to Generation X).


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Hall of Fame
Another article about the new gay acronym coined here:

Move over LGBTQ, the new acronym is LGBTTQQFAGPBDSM (No, this is not a joke)

Slippery slope, anyone?

As Professor Steven Hayward cleverly points out in his “50 Shades of Gay” post at Power Line (great headline, by the way), Wesleyan University is now making sure every sexual fetish, whim, kink, orientation, impulse and desire – plus the kitchen sink – gets its own capital letter in the ever-growing acronym of the formerly Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer community.

Wesleyan University’s residential life division’s “Open House” at 154 Church Street boasts, according to the university’s website: “a safe space for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Transsexual, Queer, Questioning, Flexual, Asexual, Genderf**k, Polyamourous, Bondage/Disciple, Dominance/Submission, Sadism/Masochism (LGBTTQQFAGPBDSM) communities and for people of sexually or gender dissident communities. The goals of Open House include generating interest in a celebration of queer life from the social to the political to the academic. Open House works to create a Wesleyan community that appreciates the variety and vivacity of gender, sex and sexuality.”

Read more here:


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Used to be, centuries ago, the only place a person (and only males I think) could receive an education was within the walls of Catholicism.

Maybe something similar (not limited to Catholicism) will have to be resorted to by those who do not wish to be identified as having a sexual perversion?


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LGBTTQQFAGPBDSM? Housing for 15 Alternative Sexualities Is OK, but Men-Only Fraternities Are Not, Wesleyan University Says

Its ok to identify as anything except a straight male apparently...

This just blows my mind and one of "legitimate" sexualities there in that 15 letter redefinition, includes one that means its ok to mess with people about their sexuality - in other words straight but plays gay or transgender... (maybe to get into womens locker rooms, who knows?)

At any rate, this is insane.

How exactly can they argue that there needs to be a celebration of perverted sexual practices? Is this supposed to be some kind of 'Christian' university? I guessed from the name it might.

As for the acronym, that doesn't surprise me! It's just as bad as the totally mind bending 58 gender options which Facebook now has!



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Maybe it will get so ridiculous that all those who subscribe to the various terms will say Enough! then eliminate all of them, and return to the streamlined: M or F?

Hope does spring eternal.

Desert Reign

I agree with Lovemeorhateme's concept that tolerance is not tolerance towards all but tolerance only limited to those who are sexually deviant and intolerance towards those who disagree with you.
This is not tolerance at all but merely the use of the word hi-jacked to give a semblance of goodness and acceptability to an anti-religious, anti-responsibility agenda that pursues freedom from moral constraints. Give them a large dose of fund-cutting, poverty, war and oppression and they will soon learn what is important and what is not. These people just don't know what to do with their time.


New member
If only going to this school was a choice you could pass on if you don't like the housing situation. . .

. . . Oh, wait.


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Hall of Fame
If only going to this school was a choice you could pass on if you don't like the housing situation. . .

. . . Oh, wait.

Or like all the christian owned bakeries that could be passed on, if you don't like the free speech of the owners, right?