Liberals win: America to become Communist/Socialist


Hmm, in Kentucky, every other position of office in that election went Republican. Only the governors race went Democratic. Clearly the libertarian candidate hurt the incumbent.

BTW, you might learn something if you read my signature....
This Governor had the support of the President who had carried the state by 30 points in 2016 and 2 Kentucky Senate "heavyweights," GOP Majority Leader McConnell and Ran Paul!

With that kind of GOP political "prestige" on the line, it was a clear rebuke by the Kentucky electorate that the "coattails" of such prominent Republicans wasn't even enough to eek out a narrow victory!

This is a President who hates being associated with "losers" - the last thing that a Commander and Chief who is currently the subject of impeachment hearings needs is to be expending whatever political capital he has left on lost causes!