Lies the candidates tell (Can you match the lie with the candidate?)


New member

Lies the candidates tell (Can you match the lie with the candidate?)

Here is a list of lies we who have been following the news have heard from the candidates of both parties

  1. I’m the only one who can beat Hillary
  2. I’ve never been for amnesty [except that I was part of the Gang of 8, but please don’t look at that…]
  3. I never gave money to Planned Parenthood
  4. I’m conservative
  5. I never sent or received classified emails
  6. I’m not a communist
  7. I will win [well, one of them just may be right, but Cruz has always said “If you elect me, I will…”]
  8. We were broke when we left the White House
  9. I’m a feminist
  10. I’m a Christian
  11. I will fight for you
  12. I respect the Constitution [I haven’t heard one of them actually SAY this, but some seem to imply it, yet it is a lie]
  13. I’m pro-life [as of yesterday, maybe…]

Answers to follow, but we all know the answers, don’t we?



New member
I’m the only one who can beat Hillary
