MAP shows where Obama is shipping Islamic Terrorists in USA


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Map Shows EXACTLY Where Obama’s Shipping Muslim ‘Refugees’ In U.S., It’s Bad

Posted on November 16, 2015 by Sean Brown

The so-called “refugee crisis” is currently plaguing Europe and undoubtedly stands to change the affected nations forever. As many are aware, Barack Obama wants to bring tens of thousands of the people here. Well, a map has been created, showing where they’re both headed and already resettled, and you won’t like it one bit.
Oddly enough, just before the Islamic State terror group (ISIS) carried out the deadliest attack in France since the Second World War, Obama appeared on television to reassure the world that the savages were “contained” within Iraq and Syria. However, we know that’s just another of many lies told by this administration, and just hours after it was told, the world watched in sheer horror as Paris came under multiple attacks, killing about 130 people and injuring more than 350 more.

Many people have suspected that the attack in Paris was made possible by the current “crisis” causing migrants to flood over the borders of European nations, and at least one Syrian passport found on one of the attackers confirmed their suspicions. Well, America has just accepted its first load of 10,000 “refugees” into our country, even though the FBI has admitted that it’s impossible to vet them all to ensure they’re not terrorists, and a map was published by the New York Times showing exactly where they’re all headed. What’s more troubling than allowing 10,000 possible terrorists into the country is the fact they’re being placed in communities that already have a high Muslim population, which means if they’re radicalized when they get here, it’s even easier for them to spread their toxic ideology to others.
Here’s FBI Director James Comey testifying that his agency doesn’t have the capability to ensure the people we’re letting in are actually safe to be here:
Now, here’s the map showing you where the “refugees,” who may very well be members of ISIS, are going to be living in our nation:


More on the map from the Times:
To ease integration [Ed: and prevent assimilation], Syrian refugees are placed in communities where there are other Syrian immigrants.
More than 150,000 Syrians already live in the United States, according to census figures, and refugees who have relatives in the country are likely to be resettled with or near them. Those who do not have family in the United States are placed where jobs are more plentiful and the cost of housing is low.
Refugees receive help finding work and housing, but they are expected to become self-sufficient within a year. The agencies in charge of resettlement take into account how earlier waves of refugees often assist new arrivals with the moving process, with food and with explanations about the United States.
Keep in mind that these people are comprised mostly of military aged, able-bodied males, which says a lot, in my opinion. For everyone’s sake, I hope none of you live near where they’re headed, since we saw what can happen in Paris.
It’s not only reckless to allow these people to come here without knowing 100 percent that they don’t have ill intentions, but it’s dangerous, as the attacks in Paris on Friday showed. If we learned anything from them and our own 9/11, it’s that Islamic radicals will stop at nothing to destroy the West, and they’ll use any means available to carry out horrific attacks against us – including the exploitation of a so-called “crisis” to infiltrate our nations undetected. We should never be so naïve as to believe that we’re immune from attack, or that there’s not terrorists mixed in with these people.

The fact that they’re knowingly being allowed in without being properly vetted is borderline criminal, and the Obama administration had best be praying nothing happens as a result, or they’re going to see anger like they’ve never seen from the American people, who are continually warning this is a bad idea. It would be one thing if these were mainly women and children, and they came from relatively peaceful areas, but that’s not the case. They’re all between 18-45, Muslim, and male, and in groups, they look more like a platoon than they do a crowd of refugees.
