Millennial temple heresy


New member
One of the great blights that has fallen over Christianity is the dispensational interpretation of the gospel and prophecy. Dispensationalists with their secret rapture heresy and multiplication of gospels heresy and millennial kingdom heresy with a return to animal sacrifice are the poster children for going in the wrong direction. Churches that ascribe to some form of dispensationalism are most Baptist, Pentecostal and non-denominational congregations. Dispensationalists can be refuted simply by looking at the word dispensation which never means what they say it does. In the bible there is a dispensation of the gospel 1Cor. 9:17; a dispensation of grace Eph. 3:2; and in Colossians 1:25 a dispensation of God. There are only two dispensations being the old testament or the dispensation of law and the new testament or the dispensation of grace. All the old testament saints offered sacrifice looking forward to a redeemer to come and the new testament saints offer up the sacrifice of faith in a redeemer who has already come and accomplished his mission. The temple at the end of Ezekiel is most likely the tribulation temple not a millennial temple. So there will be a return to animal sacrifice during the tribulation by the rejecters of the gospel but not in the millennium or the new earth where death, pain and suffering will have passed away Rev. 21:4.


One of the great blights that has fallen over Christianity is the dispensational interpretation of the gospel and prophecy. Dispensationalists with their secret rapture heresy and multiplication of gospels heresy and millennial kingdom heresy with a return to animal sacrifice are the poster children for going in the wrong direction. Churches that ascribe to some form of dispensationalism are most Baptist, Pentecostal and non-denominational congregations. Dispensationalists can be refuted simply by looking at the word dispensation which never means what they say it does. In the bible there is a dispensation of the gospel 1Cor. 9:17; a dispensation of grace Eph. 3:2; and in Colossians 1:25 a dispensation of God. There are only two dispensations being the old testament or the dispensation of law and the new testament or the dispensation of grace. All the old testament saints offered sacrifice looking forward to a redeemer to come and the new testament saints offer up the sacrifice of faith in a redeemer who has already come and accomplished his mission. The temple at the end of Ezekiel is most likely the tribulation temple not a millennial temple. So there will be a return to animal sacrifice during the tribulation by the rejecters of the gospel but not in the millennium or the new earth where death, pain and suffering will have passed away Rev. 21:4.


Today is Revi'i (Fourth) 12-27. It is Yom, Day.

You have an interesting Opening Post. I am interested if I can communicate with you about it. I am an Ex-Dispensationalist. I accept the TaNaK the Jewish or Hebrew Scriptures or the Jewish or Hebrew Bible.

I have a Bible and I have read the Christian Old Testament or the Christian Old Covenant though I know there is a reading of the Old Covenant that I do not know what it is.



john w

New member
Hall of Fame
One of the great blights that has fallen over Christianity is the dispensational interpretation of the gospel and prophecy. Dispensationalists with their secret rapture heresy and multiplication of gospels heresy and millennial kingdom heresy with a return to animal sacrifice are the poster children for going in the wrong direction. Churches that ascribe to some form of dispensationalism are most Baptist, Pentecostal and non-denominational congregations. Dispensationalists can be refuted simply by looking at the word dispensation which never means what they say it does. In the bible there is a dispensation of the gospel 1Cor. 9:17; a dispensation of grace Eph. 3:2; and in Colossians 1:25 a dispensation of God. There are only two dispensations being the old testament or the dispensation of law and the new testament or the dispensation of grace. All the old testament saints offered sacrifice looking forward to a redeemer to come and the new testament saints offer up the sacrifice of faith in a redeemer who has already come and accomplished his mission. The temple at the end of Ezekiel is most likely the tribulation temple not a millennial temple. So there will be a return to animal sacrifice during the tribulation by the rejecters of the gospel but not in the millennium or the new earth where death, pain and suffering will have passed away Rev. 21:4.

Explain the sacrifices depicted In Isaiah, Ezekiel, Malachi.....

Malachi 3 KJV
Behold, I will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me: and the Lord, whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to his temple, even the messenger of the covenant, whom ye delight in: behold, he shall come, saith the Lord of hosts.

2 But who may abide the day of his coming? and who shall stand when he appeareth? for he is like a refiner's fire, and like fullers' soap:

3 And he shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver: and he shall purify the sons of Levi, and purge them as gold and silver, that they may offer unto the Lord an offering in righteousness.

4 Then shall the offering of Judah and Jerusalem be pleasant unto the Lord, as in the days of old, and as in former years.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
There are only two dispensations being the old testament or the dispensation of law and the new testament or the dispensation of grace.

What a mess, as Dora asserts that a dispensation is equivalent to a testament, or perhaps a covenant.

Made up.

Tell us, Dora, when did the Old Covenant begin, and the New Covenant?


New member
I see deceit or total ignorance of Ezekiel chapters 40-48, where the future Temple is laid out in full detail.


New member
One of the great blights that has fallen over Christianity is the dispensational interpretation of the gospel and prophecy.
The MAD Christians I know read and believe the 8 chapters in Ezekiel that describe a future Temple on earth (Ezekiel ch. 40-48).
We don't disregard that portion of scripture like piece of trash, as you apparently do.


New member
I accept the TaNaK the Jewish or Hebrew Scriptures or the Jewish or Hebrew Bible.

Christians I know read and believe the 8 chapters in Ezekiel that describe a future Temple on earth (Ezekiel ch. 40-48).
We don't disregard that portion of scripture like piece of trash, as you apparently do.


Christians I know read and believe the 8 chapters in Ezekiel that describe a future Temple on earth (Ezekiel ch. 40-48).
We don't disregard that portion of scripture like piece of trash, as you apparently do.

Today is Chamishi (Fifth) 12-28.

Unfortunately you did not ask me before you said that.

I grew up Christian and Dispensational. However, the Temple described in these chapters has not yet come to be. Meaning, though I am not a Dispensationalist I believe God will yet fulfill His promise of the Ezekiel future Temple. I do not have the future Temple tied to a Tribulation or Millenium. I have asked others about this since an early age in my life but for some reason no one wants to talk about it. So I am yet unsure or do not know.




Well-known member
One of the great blights that has fallen over Christianity is the dispensational interpretation of the gospel and prophecy. Dispensationalists with their secret rapture heresy and multiplication of gospels heresy and millennial kingdom heresy with a return to animal sacrifice are the poster children for going in the wrong direction. Churches that ascribe to some form of dispensationalism are most Baptist, Pentecostal and non-denominational congregations. Dispensationalists can be refuted simply by looking at the word dispensation which never means what they say it does. In the bible there is a dispensation of the gospel 1Cor. 9:17; a dispensation of grace Eph. 3:2; and in Colossians 1:25 a dispensation of God. There are only two dispensations being the old testament or the dispensation of law and the new testament or the dispensation of grace. All the old testament saints offered sacrifice looking forward to a redeemer to come and the new testament saints offer up the sacrifice of faith in a redeemer who has already come and accomplished his mission. The temple at the end of Ezekiel is most likely the tribulation temple not a millennial temple. So there will be a return to animal sacrifice during the tribulation by the rejecters of the gospel but not in the millennium or the new earth where death, pain and suffering will have passed away Rev. 21:4.

Actually scripture states that there will be death in this period but people will live long lives into their hundreds:

Isaiah 65:20
"Never again will there be in it an infant who lives but a few days, or an old man who does not live out his years; the one who dies at a hundred will be thought a mere child; the one who fails to reach a hundred will be considered accursed.

Jesus will sit enthroned as King of the World and be worshipped:

Zechariah 14:16
Then the survivors from all the nations that have attacked Jerusalem will go up year after year to worship the King, the LORD Almighty, and to celebrate the Festival of Tabernacles.


New member
I grew up Christian and Dispensational. However, the Temple described in these chapters has not yet come to be. Meaning, though I am not a Dispensationalist I believe God will yet fulfill His promise of the Ezekiel future Temple. I do not have the future Temple tied to a Tribulation or Millenium. I have asked others about this since an early age in my life but for some reason no one wants to talk about it. So I am yet unsure or do not know.

The answers are in the Bible, but you must have God the Spirit in order to understand them.
Since you merely "accept" Matthew through Revelation (whatever that means), then obviously
lacking God the Spirit, you don't understand that it is Holy Scripture written by inspiration
of God the Spirit.
PS: You're not born a Christian, you must be born-again.


The answers are in the Bible, but you must have God the Spirit in order to understand them.
Since you merely "accept" Matthew through Revelation (whatever that means), then obviously
lacking God the Spirit, you don't understand that it is Holy Scripture written by inspiration
of God the Spirit.
PS: You're not born a Christian, you must be born-again.


Today is Chamishi (Fifth) 12-28. It is Boker, Morning. It is Yom, Day.

Hello. I am born again. The Spirit of God dwells in me. I accept Matthew through Revelation not calling Matthew through Revelation The New Testament. The reason I don't do so is because the Scripture or Scriptures Matthew through Revelation are not the New Covenant or the New Testament itself. That is, the New Testament is not Scripture. It is the New Covenant (בְּרִ֥ית חֲדָשָֽׁה) and it came in Yeshua HaMashiach first spoken of in Yirmiyahu - Jeremiah. It is my belief that when Paul wrote to Timothy about All Scripture being inspired by God and profitable for teaching for reproof for correction and for training in righteousness that the man of God would be adequately equipped for every good work, he was talking about the TaNaK. I can honestly say that I do not know why there are two lists of the twelve apostles in the Gospels. I have grown up with the understanding that I have taught that the Bible is inspired of and by God and is inerrant (especially in the original manuscripts, the autographs or the copies and translations into various languages). I understand that the answers are in the Bible. I do not know why you say merely "accept". As if to accept would be something less than to accept. I accept the TaNaK and Matthew through Revelation and Yeshua as the Messiah. You can learn or discover or deduce that Yeshua is the Messiah from the TaNaK and Matthew through Revelation. I was not born a Christian. I was born a Gentile, a Citizen of the United States of America. I am a proselyte and a convert to Israel and Judaism. I am a righteous convert. I have chosen the tribe of Levi.




Well-known member
Christians I know read and believe the 8 chapters in Ezekiel that describe a future Temple on earth (Ezekiel ch. 40-48).
We don't disregard that portion of scripture like piece of trash, as you apparently do.

You certainly disregard Psalms 78 that unlocks the style of ancient teachings the scripture is wrote in, the dark sayings that conceal the light if taken literal, which is why Paul states what he does in Gal 4:24, along with 1 Cor 3:16. Acts 17:24 is another reason none of the temples made with hands in the OT dark sayings/parables were intended to be read historically or futuristic, the only temple they represented was the one Jesus revealed being in man Luke 17:21 just like Paul did 1Cor 6:19.

The natural man thinks the scripture is speaking about a kingdom and temple built with hands, the Spirit never does John 2:19-20 your level of understanding is mixing the two together trying to make them agree there speaking of the same thing but they are not 2Cor 3:6 the key you can't discern Proverbs 1:6, the same key one must use when confronted with the death burial and resurrection that you also mix Psalms 40:6, because your stuck on the first elementals that teach beginners with portrayals,symbols,dramatized oracles,etc...Hebrews 6:1-6.


New member
One of the great blights that has fallen over Christianity is the dispensational interpretation of the gospel and prophecy. Dispensationalists with their secret rapture heresy and multiplication of gospels heresy and millennial kingdom heresy with a return to animal sacrifice are the poster children for going in the wrong direction.
There is no secret rapture, Paul was speaking of the Resurrection that happens at the second coming of Christ.
The millennial kingdom is a Biblical prophecy, it is not a heresy.
Jesus will return to earth and set up a kingdom that lasts for a thousand years under the laws that God gave to the children of Israel through Moses, including the animal sacrifices.

Churches that ascribe to some form of dispensationalism are most Baptist, Pentecostal and non-denominational congregations. Dispensationalists can be refuted simply by looking at the word dispensation which never means what they say it does. In the bible there is a dispensation of the gospel 1Cor. 9:17; a dispensation of grace Eph. 3:2; and in Colossians 1:25 a dispensation of God.

There are only two dispensations being the old testament or the dispensation of law and the new testament or the dispensation of grace.
That is the heresy of Covenant Theology (Federalism), but they call them the Covenant of Law and Covenant of Grace. Those are not real covenants.

All the old testament saints offered sacrifice looking forward to a redeemer to come and the new testament saints offer up the sacrifice of faith in a redeemer who has already come and accomplished his mission.
All the Jewish Christians offered animal sacrifices in the Temple after the death/burial/resurrection of Jesus until 66 CE when they fled to Pella because of the prophecy in the Olivet Discourse.

The temple at the end of Ezekiel is most likely the tribulation temple not a millennial temple. So there will be a return to animal sacrifice during the tribulation by the rejecters of the gospel but not in the millennium or the new earth where death, pain and suffering will have passed away Rev. 21:4.
The tribulation is a time of desolation in Jerusalem and the land of Israel where there will be no Temple.
The tribulation started in 70 CE and Jerusalem is still desolate because the temple is still not there.
There will be a temple in Jerusalem (not Ezekiel's temple) that will be built at least 3-1/2 years before the return of Jesus.
This temple will be the main excuse for the beast empire to invade Israel during the time of the two witnesses.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
The MAD Christians I know read and believe the 8 chapters in Ezekiel that describe a future Temple on earth (Ezekiel ch. 40-48).
We don't disregard that portion of scripture like piece of trash, as you apparently do.


New member
It's no secret to those that read and understand scripture.
It's no heresy, it's in scripture.
The main passage in scripture used for the belief in a "secret" rapture shows that the event is incredibly noisy.

1 Thessalonians 4:16
16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:​

The "secret" part comes from Jesus stating that He will come as a thief, with the modern cultural understanding that a burglar sneaks in quietly.

Revelation 3:3
3 Remember therefore how thou hast received and heard, and hold fast, and repent. If therefore thou shalt not watch, I will come on thee as a thief, and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee.​

This ignores what is stated about how noisy the Bible states that coming as a thief in the night will be.

2 Peter 3:10
10 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.​

Also ignored is that Jesus specified what coming as a thief means.

John 10:10
10 The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.​

When Jesus comes as a thief, it will be to steal, and to kill, and to destroy, according to His own words.