Nearly everyone on UK paedophile ring list is a Freemason

This Charming Manc

Well-known member
Big mix of truth, rumor, conjecture and falsehood all mixed up in one list.

For the last two years in the UK it felt like anyone famous in the 70's was found to be a paedophile or sex pest.

Two things have come out;

Moral standards concerning famous people and mid to late teens in the 70's were vastly different, and a number of people have been tried by the media regarding standards of the 21st century for actions made 30 to 40 years before.

Also that there very serious and abusive paedophile rings in operation that have been covered up at the highest level, and that most likely have a Freemason connection.

Working out which allegations are true and which are fictitious is going to be a job for a better man than me, and that is why we have a legal system. Good men with influence have now got hold of this and we need to see what the courts come up with before trying people via media.


New member
Big mix of truth, rumor, conjecture and falsehood all mixed up in one list.

have a complaint? make a correction.

For the last two years in the UK it felt like anyone famous in the 70's was found to be a paedophile or sex pest.
They were and are.
The only thing new is they've been outed.

Two things have come out;

Moral standards concerning famous people and mid to late teens in the 70's were vastly different, and a number of people have been tried by the media regarding standards of the 21st century for actions made 30 to 40 years before.
Most people today think its lame that slavery was justified 160 years ago,
"because people had different moral standards and sensibilities then"...

The fact is, morally conscious Christians 160 years ago ENDED slavery,
because they had decent moral standards and sensibilities based on faith.

To try to excuse or rationalize away the sick evil and corrupt behaviour
of only 40 years ago, which took place in secret BECAUSE people would be
morally outraged, is even more absurd than excusing racists of the 1880s,
"because people had different moral standards and sensibilities then".

If people did have different moral standards,
then pedophiles wouldn't have to operate in secret,

and deny their criminal deeds.

Also that there very serious and abusive paedophile rings in operation that have been covered up at the highest level, and that most likely have a Freemason connection.
Which is precisely the point of this thread.

Working out which allegations are true and which are fictitious is going to be a job for a better man than me, and that is why we have a legal system. Good men with influence have now got hold of this and we need to see what the courts come up with before trying people via media.
You've admitted the legal system, which is in virtual control of Freemasons,
is corrupt and under the influence of powerful elite.

So the only option is to try these vicious criminals in the media,
and hunt them down, and take care of business.


And God said unto him, Call her name 'Lo Ruhma', "No Mercy",
for I will no more have mercy upon the house of Israel;
but I will utterly take them away.

Hosea 1:6

Then the LORD said: Name him 'Lo Ami', "Not My People",
for you are not My people, and I will not be your God.

Hosea 1:9

In times like these, Holy Scripture gives good advice.