Ordination Candidate

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Bob Enyart: "At Denver Bible Church none of the families send their kids to public school, which we're thrilled about. It's a public school free zone. Let's say a family started coming to the church and they have two incomes and they're making 40% more money than our other attendees and they're giving twice as much in the collection plate as others and their few kids go to public school, we could weigh that and say, 'You know, at least they're coming to the church.'

David King: "And their effect on your church is going to be vastly negative in the long run."

Bob Enyart: "Well, that's what I'm getting to. We could compromise and say, 'Well, certainly we need the revenue to help our church grow and at least when they come once a week we could have an influence on them.' But if we say that, Paul said a little leven levens the whole lump. And eventually that will begin to tear down our church because you don't allow a godless education system to raise and educate your kids."


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Originally posted by smothers
I believe this show was perhaps the most boring one I have heard in a long, long time.
I'll see if I can find a Satan worshiper to debate Bob. :cool:


New member
This wasn't the most exciting show I've heard, but I really enjoyed it because it gave me more of a glimpse into Denver Bible Church.

I've had a desire for quite a while now to pastor a church, but have felt somewhat stuck because I don't even know where to start. My current church is a far cry from what I believe a church should look like. And I would feel uncomfortable starting a church completely independent of any other body.

I'd like to find out more from the members of Denver Bible Church on this forum about what your church looks like and believes concerning church government, structure, practice, teaching, growth, money, etc.


New member
The Christian Reformed Church makes a big deal out of running "Christian" grade schools and high schools. I can't see that it makes any obvious difference in the kids.

Second, many mothers are out working to pay the school tuition.

Third, school activities supplant church activities. So and so doesn't have time to be a deacon because he is on the school board. The parents ignore Sunday School because the kids theoretically get that stuff in school.
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