Politicians and the Noble Lie


New member
Hello all. I have a school assignment that I am working on that requires me to pose some questions related to a certain work or theme my class has looked at over the course of the semester and dialogue with those who respond. I landed on Plato’s Republic. In the Republic, Socrates develops the idea of what he calls the “noble lie.” The noble lie is any sort of falsehood used by the rulers of a city or nation to misdirect and manipulate those they rule to keep them under control and to ensure they do not do anything that would not be in their best interests. In Socrates’ mind, this is a noble gesture, as the common man is incapable of seeing things as they are or knowing how he ought to live his life. As such, it falls to rulers to govern in whatever way they can and to make certain men do not try to rise beyond their stations in life to their own hurt and the hurt of those around them. This kind of mindset seems to dominate the political landscape of today, and it seems that most take it for granted that politicians are disingenuous without asking whether or not such conduct is okay. In light of this discussion and current events such as the Hillary Clinton Benghazi scandal, I would like to pose four questions and would appreciate your feedback:

  • Should a political leader like President Obama lie to other world leaders if he thinks such deception would be in the best interest of the American people? To representatives of another branch of our government such as Congress? To American citizens themselves?
  • Should the President lie to any of the aforementioned groups to protect or benefit himself or his political party?
  • Are there certain circumstances or relationships where such lies are not permissible? Are there certain topics or issues that should not be lied about?
  • Does everyone have the right to tell “permissible lies” or only certain people?
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