random thoughts on.. just whatever (politics, etc)


New member
yeh, it's a crazy world

where if you have $$ and / or prestige, you can violate the law and it's no big deal.

Kim Davis is in contempt of court

Well... Guess who else is? Eric Holder. Hmm.... I don't recall him spending time in jail for that... do you? He didn't cooperate with Congress when they wanted info..

But Kim Davis is a Christian who had the audacity to stand up for what she believes in... and also violated the un-written but always obeyed law that says: no money? no prestige? Well, just sit down and shut up

crazy world...

and some who violate the law even get rewarded.. by becoming president... get to fly to exotic countries... etc... all paid for by others... (aka those nobodies known as taxpayers... what chumps they are)

Huckabee does the right thing... and all people can say about him is that he is being political

hmmm... Since when can we read people's hearts?

well, whatever his motives (which believe me, ONLY GOD KNOWS)

he did the right thing... said the right things... things that needed to be said... things long forgotten by so many...

In the end, who cares if his motives were... well, whatever they were. I can't presume one way or the other...

but he did the right thing...

and that is what matters in the end... motives notwithstanding




New member
crazy world... people can walk down the street chanting that they want dead cops.. and NOW

and not be held to account for that

I guess yelling Fire in a theater is not protected speech but threatening POLICE officers with death... no problem


Administration... and liberals in Congress (Dems) give away the store to TERRORISTS.

Hey, you know.. I think I am going to take back just about everything I ever said about so called RINOS (Republican in name only)

According to my best info, not ONE Republican is voting for this stupid Iran deal... only your "friends" the liberals... Aren't they lovely people?

they are SOOOO generous with terrorists... yes, they are...

unborn children, not so much... but oh well...



New member
Ann Coulter does a Benedict Arnold... stabs conservatives in the back..

announces she is in favor of child killing if it means those hated Mexicans not here legally GO AWAY (see my Coulter is pro-death thread)


Everyone is losing their minds, it seems....

no, they are losing something a little more serious than that

Oh well, their choice



New member
common criminal deliberately harms himself (allegedly) and the city pays his child-neglecting parents millions.. before cops who transported him (presumed guilty until proven innocent of course) are even convicted of a thing...

bizaro world..

of course, this huge award won't affect the jury one bit..

bizaro world

meanwhile, all those accused of child neglect.. or filing a fraudulent claim against the government by deliberately harming themselves.. but who did not get their names in the newspapers or on the news as Freddie Gray did...

are getting the book thrown at them

Well, this is a great lesson people are being taught...

and the lawlessness increases exponentially



patrick jane

Trump is the smartest and most well-spoken candidate ever. he's a winner because he is so talented in business and entertainment. he's the best -


New member
Trump is the smartest and most well-spoken candidate ever. he's a winner because he is so talented in business and entertainment. he's the best -


you always can tell when u meet a smart person

repeats him or herself over and over

likes someone one day, dislikes the next

dislikes someone one day, likes the next..

believes in torturing and murdering helpless children one day, claims not 2 the next

does the same with just any other [fill in the blanks] topic also

uses "I" and "me" in virtually every sentence

brags about things he has accomplished, while

putting others down

burns 100s of bridges behind him every day, every time he opens his mouth...

speaks in superlatives constantly... someone is "wonderful" or a "loser"... but stick around... that will change if you just stick around.. If Mr or Ms Wonderful says something truthful about him... it will definitely change from Mr/Ms Wonderful to Loser or Ugly or...


This shows brilliance... no doubt about it...

(Note: If you need me to add: Sarcasm Alert... YOU yourself are far from bright...)


The Horn

Kim Davis did not go to jail because of her Christian faith , but because she WAS guilty of contempt of court . She refused to do her job because of her own private religious beliefs and prejudices .
Nobody is "persecuting " her ,nor does this incident portend mass "persecution " of Christians in America in the near future or any time in the future .
If we all refused to do our jobs because of anything and everything we disapprove of there would be total chaos in America , and nothing would get done .
Kim Davis has every right to be a Christian and to disapprove of same sex marriage, and to say she disapproves of it . She just doesn't have the right to refuse to do her job because of her faith . No one does .


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Kim Davis did not go to jail because of her Christian faith , but because she WAS guilty of contempt of court . She refused to do her job because of her own private religious beliefs and prejudices .

You mean kinda like your president refuses to uphold the law, and chooses to break it himself for his beliefs? Yea, kinda like that...

Nobody is "persecuting " her ,nor does this incident portend mass "persecution " of Christians in America in the near future or any time in the future .

Wrong! it denies this woman of her constitutional right to religious freedom to oppose it.

If we all refused to do our jobs because of anything and everything we disapprove of there would be total chaos in America , and nothing would get done .

Pretty much why Obama's presidency & congress have been such a failure, they all refuse to do their jobs as outlined in the constitution and lawlessness prevails...kinda like now.

Kim Davis has every right to be a Christian and to disapprove of same sex marriage, and to say she disapproves of it . She just doesn't have the right to refuse to do her job because of her faith . No one does .

Actually she does, and for exercising her constitutional rights you can be assured that this decision will be revisited at some point.

The Horn

Rocketman, your comparisons between Kim Davis and president Obama are totally specious, because Obama has not done anything wrong . He has not broken any laws . Right-wingers ACCUSE him of not doing his job and breaking the law because THEY disapprove of what he has been doing as president .
And he certainly hasn't let his religious beliefs get in the way of his job .
If you're an orthodox Jew, you shouldn't be working at Red Lobster, or take a job as a waiter in a Non-Kosher restaurant which specializes in pork dishes .
If you're a pharmacist , you have no right to refuse to dispense contraceptives if you're a Catholic . And so on .
The Kim Davis case has absolutely nothing to do with religious freedom - get over it !
I'm sick and tired of Christians whining about the supposed "persecution " they're suffering in America . Christians in the middle east are being persecuted - terribly . Not the ones in America .
On the contrary - it's Christians who have most of the money, power and influence in this country . And too many of them are trying to persecute gay people and others who don't live up to their rigid and arbitrary standards of public and private behavior .


New member
Trump is the smartest and most well-spoken candidate ever. he's a winner because he is so talented in business and entertainment. he's the best -

yeh, we can overlook the fact that he is a big liar
not what he says he is (Conservative)

We can look over how he advocates stealing land from people under eminent domain so rich people can get richer and poor people... lose everything..

we can overlook how he built casinos that profit off the weakness of others...

and then who stands before us saying he has no need of forgiveness from God...

egomaniac doesn't begin to describe it
