Satanic Temple Wants Followers to Force Christian Bakers to Make a Cake to ‘Honor...


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Hall of Fame
Like everything in the store.

Wedding cakes, are specialty created items, they arent just sitting in the store. They also come with catering which is compelled speech to attend a wedding.

You get it, pretend you don't though.

Do you also think cake owners should make nudie cakes, cause some refuse them also as well as other specialty cakes.

(Hint, creation, and speech)
Wedding cakes, are specialty created items, they arent just sitting in the store. They also come with catering which is compelled speech to attend a wedding.

You get it, pretend you don't though.

Do you also think cake owners should make nudie cakes, cause some refuse them also as well as other specialty cakes.

(Hint, creation, and speech)

There is also a fundamental matter of this being a case of free exercise, as you well point out even forced speech, repugnant to the somebody's good conscience to exercise their faith, as opposed to equal protection of citizens, two entirely different Constitutional subjects, of no relationship. Then, this troll launches into how bigotry is somebody's religion, now I suppose we conflate free exercise with made up, private religions, to skirt the law, as a legal argument (only on a message board), which no Christian is doing? Then there are tons of legal precedents that involve how private institutions are allowed to operate, by a host of various rules and standards customers, clients or members must adhere to. This is as if not to mention that preservation of somebody's First Amendment rights should be superseded by somebody's desire to eat homo or Satan cake?! Can we get any more trite? Why don't we simply burn the Constitution, get it over with?

Funny how, always at the bottom line, is something anti-Christian, from twisting scripture among false Christians, to twisting law into something make believe. Bottom line, what can you say? Some people are just very ignorant and make ridiculous arguments there's, equally, no sense in responding to, they rise to such a level of ignorance or falsity. And notice there was no response to how persecuting the Christian in free exercise could, legally, work both ways, bring the hammer down on the Satanists or anybody refusing to exercise for Christians. (Leave it up to Satanists to shoots themselves in the foot.)

It's a good and important subject you presented, and interesting, but one that will not be properly discussed here. You would at least think some of the liberal apologists could come up with something based in reality, actually respond to what was said. Don't hold your breath. You can only shake your head and wonder why you bothered to post anything, at all.


Well-known member
I would take the order but simply not make the cake and when they call to collect said cake I would apologise that it was not made and ask if they would like to re-order said cake and if they say yes I would repeat this process until they give up. :)


New member
Wedding cakes, are specialty created items, they arent just sitting in the store. They also come with catering which is compelled speech to attend a wedding.
Wedding cakes are part of the recepiton not the wedding. and may be deleivered or picked up but that is done well before teh reception.

You get it, pretend you don't though.

Do you also think cake owners should make nudie cakes, cause some refuse them also as well as other specialty cakes.

(Hint, creation, and speech)
Cake owners?

Assuming you meant bakers - if a baker baked "nudie cakes" (whatever those are) the beaker doesn't get to refuse to sell those nudie cakes to black people even if that baker is holding a bible.


New member
There is also a fundamental matter of this being a case of free exercise, as you well point out even forced speech, repugnant to the somebody's good conscience to exercise their faith, as opposed to equal protection of citizens, two entirely different Constitutional subjects, of no relationship. Then, this troll launches into how bigotry is somebody's religion, now I suppose we conflate free exercise with made up, private religions, to skirt the law, as a legal argument (only on a message board), which no Christian is doing? Then there are tons of legal precedents that involve how private institutions are allowed to operate, by a host of various rules and standards customers, clients or members must adhere to. This is as if not to mention that preservation of somebody's First Amendment rights should be superseded by somebody's desire to eat homo or Satan cake?! Can we get any more trite? Why don't we simply burn the Constitution, get it over with?


And this young shopkeep is still saying his positon on refusing serves is based on his good conscience to exercise his faith. Are his first amendment right sto be ignored?


New member
I would take the order but simply not make the cake and when they call to collect said cake I would apologise that it was not made and ask if they would like to re-order said cake and if they say yes I would repeat this process until they give up. :)
Its a good thing false witness isn't a sin or anyting.

i hope you will also not complain when sued for breach of contract.


Well-known member
Its a good thing false witness isn't a sin or anyting.

i hope you will also not complain when sued for breach of contract.

No one can sue for incompetence when compensation is offer. Poor service happens all the time. And as Jesus said:

Matthew 10:16
"I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves.



Well-known member
Breech of contract. Look it up

an apt description of your choice to lie

Buying a cake does not usually involve a written contract, but only a non-verbal understanding. While my suggestion may seem somewhat ridiculous it is actually the lessor of the two evils. And no one would get sued as there is no evidence of a breach of contract only a record of poor service which would be off set by the business offering to make the cake for free, (which of course is then not made). I bet this has been done already by other bakers etc and is never heard of because of the logic I am describing.


New member
Buying a cake does not usually involve a written contract, but only a non-verbal understanding.
You've never actually purchased a wedding cake before have you.

While my suggestion may seem somewhat ridiculous it is actually the lessor of the two evils.
Treating one's customer honestly and with curtosy (luke 6:31 anyone?)is, in yoru opinion, evil.

I think we are done here.


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You've never actually purchased a wedding cake before have you.

Treating one's customer honestly and with curtosy (luke 6:31 anyone?)is, in yoru opinion, evil.

I think we are done here.

Supporting something that is wrong is the issue here, not how someone treats their customers.

It is wrong (whether you think it is or not) to have a homosexual relationship. Supporting someone who is in a homosexual relationship is wrong, because homosexuality is wrong. Refusing to support something that should still be a crime is not wrong.


New member
Supporting something that is wrong is the issue here, not how someone treats their customers.

It is wrong (whether you think it is or not) to have a homosexual relationship. Supporting someone who is in a homosexual relationship is wrong, because homosexuality is wrong. Refusing to support something that should still be a crime is not wrong.

Your opinion. and you opinion doesn't give you or anyone else the right to discriminate.

Fifty years ago the same "moral" arguemnt was used to justify segregation and discrimination agaisnt blacks. It was sick and evil then and nothing has changed about such a ploy.


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Your opinion. and you opinion doesn't give you or anyone else the right to discriminate.

Fifty years ago the same "moral" arguemnt was used to justify segregation and discrimination agaisnt blacks. It was sick and evil then and nothing has changed about such a ploy.

It's not my opinion. It is fact. By the way, neither does your opinion on discrimination give you the right to discriminate, you hypocrite.

Race has nothing to do with this. The Bible says that we are all one blood, descendants of one man and one woman.

The Bible also says that homosexuality is an abomination to God. It has been a crime for the last 3500 years, only within the last 20-30 years has it been decriminalized because the left has pushed for it to be so, and wrongly so, for we have no right to change or revoke moral laws.


New member
It's not my opinion. It is fact.

By the way, neither does your opinion on discrimination give you the right to discriminate, you hypocrite.
and just who am i discriminating against? Obviously no one and this is just false witness on your part.

Race has nothing to do with this. The Bible says that we are all one blood, descendants of one man and one woman.
and the bible has a few things to say about the descendants of Ham.

the misuse of religionto justify hate and discrimination are one and the same.

The Bible also says that homosexuality is an abomination to God.
so is lying yet you had no problem presenting false witness here.

It has been a crime for the last 3500 years, only within the last 20-30 years has it been decriminalized because the left has pushed for it to be so, and wrongly so,
You might want ot rad a history book sometime. (Like you're going to read a book :chuckle:)

for we have no right to change or revoke moral laws.
racists say exactly the same thing about ending segregation, Jim Crow and lynchings