"Seek ye first the Kingdom" applies to politics as well


New member
"Seek ye first the Kingdom" applies to politics as well

[The rest of that psg is: "and all these things will be added unto you"..

"things" as in: material needs

Our country has gone into the ditch (the sewer is more lke it)

and the reason (whether anyone agrees or not) is that we do not adhere to good Christian values anymore. Believe it or not, there is a connection between said values and the economy, which we "worship" in every election year

Some people truly need help from... well, I hate to say the government... but yeh... they don't have anyone else to help them... no family, etc.. and they no longer have the Church to help b/c the Church just assumes the gov will help and so the church doesn't need to anymore.. I have seen it happen over and over.. a homeless person or someone in financial need will go to the Church only to be turned away... or People in the Church refer them to.. the GOVERNMENT... Oh, yeh, that's a good one...

So... we have massive dependency on... not family.. not churches... but the government ..

so then those dependent on government are given essentially no choice but to vote for big gov candidates.. (and let's face it, the government they support and seek to enlarge at every turn is abysmally corrupt)

and as the big gov people get more powerful and oppressive... all morals go down the tube.. and we end up.. where we are at...

and it could get worse..




New member
no disagreements

that's good

as creepy as some of the posters around here can sometimes be.. I have to give credit where due.. Most here are at least trying to be.. or... uh... well, at least thinking about... or thinking about trying to be...

Christians.. (maybe?)


