Shooting at First Baptist Church in Texas


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It's terrorism, this is a terrorist attack; all these things are terrorist attacks. We're under attack. We know what the whole rest of the world has done in the face of similar terrorism; they have all folded and surrendered to terrorism. Are Americans going to do the same? Are we just going to be the last, stubborn hold-outs before joining everybody else? England, Australia, all the rest of Europe .. or are we going to not let let the terrorists determine our policy?[/QUOTE]I vote for this part.


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Just heard that the church was recording their worship service when the shooting took place.

Don't know if it will ever be posted publically, as it could be very disturbing to the victims families.


Well-known member
It's terrorism, this is a terrorist attack; all these things are terrorist attacks. We're under attack. We know what the whole rest of the world has done in the face of similar terrorism; they have all folded and surrendered to terrorism. Are Americans going to do the same? Are we just going to be the last, stubborn hold-outs before joining everybody else? England, Australia, all the rest of Europe .. or are we going to not let let the terrorists determine our policy?[/QUOTE]I vote for this part.

While I totally get this and agree with it, haven't we already let terrorists determine our policy? I mean Patriot Act {nothing Patriot about it), the TSA (where sexual perverts thrive} until we do something about that, are we not going to be barking up the wrong tree?


While I totally get this and agree with it, haven't we already let terrorists determine our policy? I mean Patriot Act {nothing Patriot about it), the TSA (where sexual perverts thrive} etc...
so until we do something about that, are we not going to be barking up the wrong tree?
I don't know what else to say, besides continuing to repeat the truth. This is terrorism, and let's not permit terrorists to make our policy for us. Let's have courage and be brave and righteous. Instead of cowardly and immoral.



It's terrorism, this is a terrorist attack; all these things are terrorist attacks. We're under attack. We know what the whole rest of the world has done in the face of similar terrorism; they have all folded and surrendered to terrorism. Are Americans going to do the same? Are we just going to be the last, stubborn hold-outs before joining everybody else? England, Australia, all the rest of Europe .. or are we going to not [let] the terrorists determine our policy?

Our conservative friends are quick to jump to the conclusion that this was perpetrated by "terrorists" and the country needs to take action!

The reality, however, is that it was not perpetrated by some foreign terrorist, but a former member of the Air Force who received a discharge for "bad behaviour" for assault and served jail time!

Given that this yet another in a long list of tragic domestic incidents, that doesn't appear to be terrorist inspired, but the result of a disturbed citizen having access to semi-automatic weapons, conservatives will all express their sincere condolences and then proceed to sit on their collective hands rather than address the underlying issues!

Gary K

New member
I keep seeing people blaming a guy by the last name of Kelly for shooting a bunch of people. Wow. When will you get things right? This shooting was done by a gun. It loaded itself. Drove itself to the church. Got out of the car and walked itself around firing itself, and then kept on reloading itself. It then entered the church and kept on aiming and firing itself. Until another gun, all by itself, shot the gun originally causing all the problems.

This was all done by guns. This gun was a homicidal maniacal gun that was put out of its misery by a good gun.

People had nothing to do with this massacre or the stopping of it. It was all just the guns. They are the entire problem. People can't be evil. Only guns can be evil.



I keep seeing people blaming a guy by the last name of Kelly for shooting a bunch of people. Wow. When will you get things right? This shooting was done by a gun. It loaded itself. Drove itself to the church. Got out of the car and walked itself around firing itself, and then kept on reloading itself. It then entered the church and kept on aiming and firing itself. Until another gun, all by itself, shot the gun originally causing all the problems.

This was all done by guns. This gun was a homicidal maniacal gun that was put out of its misery by a good gun.

People had nothing to do with this massacre or the stopping of it. It was all just the guns. They are the entire problem. People can't be evil. Only guns can be evil.
If this had been perpetrated by an Islamic "terrorist," the President, Republican Congress and their supporters would all be demanding immediate action!

When it brings into question the wisdom of allowing the proliferation of semi-automatic weapons that can provide just one misguided American with the opportunity to kill/wound 100's of innocent men, women and children, however, all we receive are excuses to justify the "status quo!"
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Well-known member
There was a law in Mississippi saying you couldn't carry in church, even if you had a permit. I don't know why you have that law in the first place. If you trust someone with a gun, then you trust them with a gun. :idunno:

The shooter was trusted to have a gun. Everyone who has a gun is trusted with a gun until they shoot someone unlawfully.:idunno:


Well-known member
I keep seeing people blaming a guy by the last name of Kelly for shooting a bunch of people. Wow. When will you get things right? This shooting was done by a gun. It loaded itself. Drove itself to the church. Got out of the car and walked itself around firing itself, and then kept on reloading itself. It then entered the church and kept on aiming and firing itself. Until another gun, all by itself, shot the gun originally causing all the problems.

This was all done by guns. This gun was a homicidal maniacal gun that was put out of its misery by a good gun.

People had nothing to do with this massacre or the stopping of it. It was all just the guns. They are the entire problem. People can't be evil. Only guns can be evil.

Exactly, when are people going to learn. People are not the problem it's GUNS all the way down!!

If we all had guns then no one would shoot anyone, when are the governments going to start giving us free guns. This problem isn't going to go away until we ALL get more guns and ammo.


With respect to this latest particular bit of gun horror:
1. Did Kelly need a permit to have this weapon?
2. Did he have a permit?
3. How did he come into possession of this gun?
4. If he had a permit, how is it that an ex soldier with a history of domestic violence was able to obtain the appropriate permit?

And how do we, as a people respond to this? Enact rational and enforceable legislation? Or knuckle under to the lobby for gun manufacturers?


Well-known member
I keep seeing people blaming a guy by the last name of Kelly for shooting a bunch of people. Wow. When will you get things right? This shooting was done by a gun. It loaded itself. Drove itself to the church. Got out of the car and walked itself around firing itself, and then kept on reloading itself. It then entered the church and kept on aiming and firing itself. Until another gun, all by itself, shot the gun originally causing all the problems.

This was all done by guns. This gun was a homicidal maniacal gun that was put out of its misery by a good gun.

People had nothing to do with this massacre or the stopping of it. It was all just the guns. They are the entire problem. People can't be evil. Only guns can be evil.

So if we kill all the people, problem solved. Grenades don't kill people. The MOAB don't kill people. Nukes don't kill people. We need to put those in people's hands so we can solve the real problem - humans as noted above.

There must be some line where it no longer makes sense but maybe that is too logical and not fear based enough.

If there is no line then we will simply destroy ourselves thinking we are protecting ourselves. As the 60s saying goes - MAD, Mutually Assured Destruction.

- a gun owner-simple 22 rifle. Don't need an AK or a bump stock.

Deus autem nobiscum


Well-known member
Twice this week the problem is solved by armed plainclothes/responsible citizens. We need them EVERYWHERE. The NSA should announce everywhere that they are deployed in every population center. These free-for-alls can then decide if they will take the risk of quick response.


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Given that this yet another in a long list of tragic domestic incidents, that doesn't appear to be terrorist inspired, but the result of a disturbed citizen having access to semi-automatic weapons, conservatives will all express their sincere condolences and then proceed to sit on their collective hands rather than address the underlying issues!
Ummm, folks were not sitting on their hands.
Folks took action immediately.
As soon as the nut-job was fired upon by a sane gun-owner, the nut-job dropped his weapon and ran.
He was shot dead.

If anything, this just shows that it would have ended sooner if everyone in the church had a gun.

And of course condolences are in order.
Where's yours?


Well-known member
Wow. This guy was in a military prison for one year for assaulting his wife and kids, but he could legally own guns. People have their driver's license revoked for less crimes.


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Twice this week the problem is solved by armed plainclothes/responsible citizens. We need them EVERYWHERE. The NSA should announce everywhere that they are deployed in every population center. These free-for-alls can then decide if they will take the risk of quick response.
The 2nd amendment is for citizens to arm and protect themselves against both foreign and domestic dangers.


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Wow. This guy was in a military prison for one year for assaulting his wife and kids, but he could legally own guns. People have their driver's license revoked for less crimes.
In my opinion, he should have been shot when he assaulted his wife and child.


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With respect to this latest particular bit of gun horror:
1. Did Kelly need a permit to have this weapon?
2. Did he have a permit?
3. How did he come into possession of this gun?
4. If he had a permit, how is it that an ex soldier with a history of domestic violence was able to obtain the appropriate permit?

And how do we, as a people respond to this? Enact rational and enforceable legislation? Or knuckle under to the lobby for gun manufacturers?
Reported so far:

As investigators try to determine a motive, they are also probing how the attacker obtained his gun. Kelley had sought a license to carry a gun in Texas but was rejected, Abbott said.
“By all of the facts that we seem to know, he was not supposed to have access to a gun, so how did this happen?” Abbott said in an interview on CNN. “We are in search of answers to these questions.”