Ted Cruz Maintains Integrity vs Angry Crony Capitalists (lobbying 4 ethanol subsidies


New member

Yay, TED! …who says [paraphrase] subsidizing one industry to the exclusion of another (the government picking and choosing which businesses to give WELFARE to) is wrong.

Gee… what a thought!

Ethanol is BAD for your vehicle anyway, by the way, although that important factoid is beside the point here, the point being: we don’t want out of control, tyrannical government

The other R front-runner was/is in favor of

• The Stimulus,
• TARP (bailing out of banks, big businesses)
• Eminent theft (I mean eminent domain) and
• other government theft schemes

You gotta love Ted Cruz… He is the candidate for the people, even the poor and middle class (which is highly unusual for someone working in Congress…WA).

Also, his flat tax plan abolishes tax loopholes for the rich [!!] Everyone pays the same rate (business 16%, individuals [making over, I think, $30,000 yr:] 10%). If we had this kind of flat tax, we could—as he has said he would—abolish the despicable IRS!


The Iowa governor doesn’t like Ted Cruz because Cruz doesn’t want subsidies for ethanol, which would “hurt” Iowa. But again, you can’t subsidize one business without others asking for the same, and pretty soon you have HUGE government aka crony capitalism, aka Welfare for the Rich. That costs HUGE amounts of YOUR hard-earned money.

Hey, who bails YOU out when your little Mom & Pop corner store fails?

Tell Washington you want to be able to spend your own money the way YOU choose!

What a thought!

Ted Cruz… the candidate of the People!!!:)




New member
ethanol works just fine in your car--unless you let the car sit for more than, say, a week. It rusts out certain small parts in the engine b/c it separates water from gasoline