The True Endgame of Same Sex Marriage


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As I have posted threads about various problems/dangers related to same sex marriage, I've decided to make a blog post about some articles I've just read, that sum up the problem in a concise synopsis.

The first is published by Regis Nicoll and was first run in 2011, but it is still relevant now; even moreso as the SCOTUS final rulling on SSM is upon us.

Says Nicoll:

The endgame of the same-sex “marriage” movement is the normalization and complete social approval of homosexuality.

Black columnist Shelby Steele puts it this way: “Gay marriage is simply . . . a struggle of already free people for complete social acceptance and the sense of normalcy that follows thereof—a struggle for the eradication of the homosexual stigma. . . . In the gay marriage movement, marriage is more a means than an end, a weapon against stigma.”

As homosexual legal expert Arthur S. Leonard makes plain, the ultimate goal of the gay rights movement is not marriage, but “societal acceptance and support for the reality of lesbian and gay family structures as something to be valued and reinforced, in the same way that society values and reinforces heterosexually-based family structures.”

He goes on to argue that in order to realize that end, norms and values must be dismantled for the less than 2% of the population which craves social acceptance - an acceptance which most of us get easily simply by being heterosexual and marrying.

The primary functions of sex must be changed from procreation and the holistic bonding of husband and wife, to sensual gratification and self-actualization.

Marriage as the exclusive union of one man and one woman for as long as both shall live, must give way to “marriage” as an open relationship between any two (or more) persons for as long as all shall love.
The age-old wisdom that biological parents joined in marriage are best suited to protect and provide for children, must yield to the “recognition” that natural parentage is inconsequential.

Additionally, if same-sex marriage becomes the law of the land, the demand for assisted reproductive technology (ART) will increase along with the exploitation of donors and the commodification of their reproductive “goods.”

For instance, with the market price of egg donation currently ranging between $4000 and $60,000, more women will be lured to undergo a surgical procedure without serious consideration of the health hazards involved. Among those hazards are bleeding, infection, blood clots, kidney failure, infertility, and even death.

Children produced with the help of a sperm donor, egg donor, or both, will be denied the natural right to be attached to their biological parents. If a surrogate mother is used, a child could be the product of three adults and legally attached to two others. Imagine the identity crisis for children who yearn to know, like all of us, who they are and where they came from.