Thinking Outside of the Elephant

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I would invite any pro-life members of this fine forum to an uncivil discussion on the topic of the utility, or perhaps, futility, of pro-life voters supporting the Republican Party. It is my contention that the only politically viable strategy from a pro-life viewpoint is to throw as many Republicans out of office as possible. This must be done in a way so that it is obvious that pro-life voters have shifted away from Republican support. I will eleborate if anyone wants to take up the challenge. If not, why bother.


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docrob57 said:
I would invite any pro-life members of this fine forum to an uncivil discussion on the topic of the utility, or perhaps, futility, of pro-life voters supporting the Republican Party. It is my contention that the only politically viable strategy from a pro-life viewpoint is to throw as many Republicans out of office as possible. This must be done in a way so that it is obvious that pro-life voters have shifted away from Republican support. I will eleborate if anyone wants to take up the challenge. If not, why bother.

I'll take the bait just to see why. I'm pro-life. But I am not a one-issue person. But go ahead and tell me why your pro-life plan would work.


New member
I am not a single issue person either. However, the sanctity of life is the most important issue to me, both in moral terms and because one of the few things that government is supposed to do is protect life.

The Republican Party since Reagan has consistently taken a pro-life stance, at least in terms of platforms and so forth. However, as you may have noticed, in reality, they have done little or nothing to end abortion or in any way protect the lives of those who cannot protect themselves. The Terri Schiavo case was a classic example of the Republican strategy. They made lots of noise supporting her, but in the end did nothing. Both the President and his brother could have saved Terri Schiavo's life, but elected not to. There is a reason for this. To take the kind of action that would have been needed in the Terri Schiavo case, or more generally, to take the action needed to end abortion, would mean alieniating the support of the "socially liberal" section of the Republican base. Politically, it is much safer and easier to keep pro-lifers on board through rhetoric rather than trough action.

In order to change this, and really, the only way this will change, is for the pro-life community to recognize what is going on and cease its support for the Republican Party. The most effective way to do this would be, especially in the next Presidential election, to shift support to the U.S. Constitution Party. It would not take a huge percentage of the pro-life vote shifting to cost the Republicans the next election. If this were to happen, if the U.S. Constitution Party were to get 3-5% of the vote and the Republicans lost, it would force the Republicans to do more than talk about pro-life in order to regain the support.

Enough for now, what do you think so far?


Well-known member
No, the only way that our country's abortion stance will be changed is through prayer. It will take a movement of prayer that is unprecedented on this earth. Those who are concerned about the country that claims to be the 'greatest' country on earth murdering a record number of unborn children every year must seek The Lord for His Help with our greatest calamity ever, our own indifference, and that of our neighbors, who go about their business as if the killing doesn't have any effect upon them, while the country sinks to lower regions of decadence than previously imagined. We have to pray, expecting that our prayers will not only make a difference, but that they will awake this 'sleeping giant' of prayer in our nation's backroads that will arise to his knees to pull down this stronghold of the enemy, for once and for all; showing the world whose god is God. Pray.


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Aimiel said:
No, the only way that our country's abortion stance will be changed is through prayer. It will take a movement of prayer that is unprecedented on this earth. Those who are concerned about the country that claims to be the 'greatest' country on earth murdering a record number of unborn children every year must seek The Lord for His Help with our greatest calamity ever, our own indifference, and that of our neighbors, who go about their business as if the killing doesn't have any effect upon them, while the country sinks to lower regions of decadence than previously imagined. We have to pray, expecting that our prayers will not only make a difference, but that they will awake this 'sleeping giant' of prayer in our nation's backroads that will arise to his knees to pull down this stronghold of the enemy, for once and for all; showing the world whose god is God. Pray.

Well I agree as far as that goes, but God uses human instruments to accomplish His purposes doesn't he?


Well-known member
Yes, and when those avenues become exhausted, and the futility of repeating the same errors becomes apparent, people are often driven to their knees to seek Divine Intervention to overcome what they have come to realize is insurmoutable for them. When that occurs, those who have turned from their sin, and sought The Lord will watch as He hears from Heaven, and forgives them and heals their land. Why look to the arm of flesh, when it's obvious that we're up against a spirit (the spirit of murder) that we're fighting? The flesh will be defeated every time. All we need is faith in God. The only limit to His Power is that of His People to believe upon Him.


New member
Aimiel said:
Yes, and when those avenues become exhausted, and the futility of repeating the same errors becomes apparent, people are often driven to their knees to seek Divine Intervention to overcome what they have come to realize is insurmoutable for them. When that occurs, those who have turned from their sin, and sought The Lord will watch as He hears from Heaven, and forgives them and heals their land. Why look to the arm of flesh, when it's obvious that we're up against a spirit (the spirit of murder) that we're fighting? The flesh will be defeated every time. All we need is faith in God. The only limit to His Power is that of His People to believe upon Him.

Hey, you are supposed to be saying things I can disagree with! ;)


Well-known member
No, I'm saying what I feel led to say, whether anyone on this earth agrees with them or not. Should we follow The Same Spirit from the same distance, we'll often agree, but neither of us will always see everything the other sees from the same perspective. All we can do is warn one another of the pitfalls we see in one another's path and pray that the other's journey might not have to be nearly as hard as ours seems to be, pleading The Lord's Blood and Grace upon their life, and that they might fulfill all that The Lord has prophecied over their life from the beginning, procliaiming His Victory in their life, for The Sake of The Lord and His Progeny.


New member
Forget the Republican Party I think Christians should infiltrate the Democratic Party. The two main political parties are not going away. The US Constitution Party will never make it except for possibly a US Rep or goveror or two. But, not to the big time where it counts. A number of years back the National Right to Life had a banquet in honor of some 35 pro-life Repersenatives and Senators in the Democratic Party at the nation's capitol. I have seen way to many hypocritical and lip service pro-choice Republicans to make me sick. Many in that party want to be out of the pro-life platform. Remember many years ago there was such a thing as a conservative Democrat. Jesus said "Be wise as serpents, but gentle as doves." We pro-life Christians need to become a Trojan horse so to speak and infiltrate Democratic lines without them knowing it. Then, SURPRIZE, a large pro-life vote coming from the Democrats. Phew! I know I'm dreaming, but I is an idea that has not been tried enmass. The key is to have a huge number of biblical and conservative Christians infiltrate the Democratic Party all at once. Well, just a thought.


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karstkid said:
Forget the Republican Party I think Christians should infiltrate the Democratic Party. The two main political parties are not going away. The US Constitution Party will never make it except for possibly a US Rep or goveror or two. But, not to the big time where it counts. A number of years back the National Right to Life had a banquet in honor of some 35 pro-life Repersenatives and Senators in the Democratic Party at the nation's capitol. I have seen way to many hypocritical and lip service pro-choice Republicans to make me sick. Many in that party want to be out of the pro-life platform. Remember many years ago there was such a thing as a conservative Democrat. Jesus said "Be wise as serpents, but gentle as doves." We pro-life Christians need to become a Trojan horse so to speak and infiltrate Democratic lines without them knowing it. Then, SURPRIZE, a large pro-life vote coming from the Democrats. Phew! I know I'm dreaming, but I is an idea that has not been tried enmass. The key is to have a huge number of biblical and conservative Christians infiltrate the Democratic Party all at once. Well, just a thought.

Not a bad idea per se. The problem is you run the risk of diluting whatever power you have so much that you lose whatever influence, minimal as it may be, that you have.


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Hall of Fame
Both parties are essentially the same. Pro-lifers are thrown sops from the GOP just as blacks are given red meat from the left.
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