This simple thought experiment will change your world view.


Everyone eventfully dies.

Of all the ways there are to die, there is only one way to die that is problematic and that would be to die un-prepared.

There are countless causes of death., and I encourage everyone to make their own personal list of the possible ways they might die.

I spent a fair amount of time and only came up with about 40 ways. There was of course, cancer, heart attack, flu, hit by a bus, Alzheimer's, organ failure, drowning, fire, car accident, etc.. After carefully considering each of these and many more...

My conclusion: The flu is the best way to die. The flu virus gives an elderly and or infirm person time to prepare, time to see and feel the end coming. To say the needed good byes, to sign the necessary papers, and most importantly a chance to repent.

Before I did this exercise, I thought that the complexity of the flu virus was the best proof that God created the flu virus, I have changed my opinion. I now think the best proof is the merciful aspect of the flu virus. One need not know just how complex that a virus is, to understand that God designed, engineered, and created the flu to gently nudge us over to Him. God is a merciful God!


Well-known member
Look, your idea is interesting, but...

1. You make the unproven assumption that "there is only one way to die that is problematic and that would be to die un-prepared"
2. You make another assumption that one dies 'prepared' from the flu. One does not think clearly when one has a fever. Certainly not if you're elderly.
3. This is supposed to prove that God created flu? For those of us who believe in a creator god- god created everything. Including flu. Are you going to make similar arguments to prove that god created oak trees, or termites?
4. And what about those poor millions that god 'nudged' to their deaths in all the other ways?

It is indeed good for people to think. I highly recommend it.