tiresome... all this talk about who "won" the debate...


New member
yeh, no one person EVER "wins" a presidential debate... unless/until it ever happens that... all but one are total losers???


that said...

Who do u say won the debate?


well, there was only one loser, Kasich

told ya... about how those who call themselves ex-Catholics are the worst... I mean, there is just something very wrong there (with those folks..).

U don't leave Christ's Church... and escape unscathed..

Kasich does have a good conservative record, though... sigh... too bad he is rude... too bad he thinks deporting all the illegals is a dumb idea... most Americans do not...

Anyway... Cruz is the best choice

with Huckabee close behind... or maybe just on the same level... but I prefer Cruz.. not entirely sure why... maybe we need a younger pres b/c... look @ all the TROUBLE in the world.. although we also need the wisdom of older people... so I hope Huckabee gets into the cabinet whoever wins...

Did the debate cause u to change your mind... change candidates???

it changed my mind... Love Cruz even more (didn't think that was possible)


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New member
Nobody won the Republican debate.
Regardless of who gets the nomination, we all lose if that person becomes president.

Bernie trounced Hillary in the Dem debate, so much so that Clinton-SuperPAC-backed CNN had to delete their own poll showing the overwhelming support for Bernie, as well as delete every comment on their website which even implied that Bernie won.


New member
Nobody won the Republican debate.
Regardless of who gets the nomination, we all lose if that person becomes president.

Bernie trounced Hillary in the Dem debate, so much so that Clinton-SuperPAC-backed CNN had to delete their own poll showing the overwhelming support for Bernie, as well as delete every comment on their website which even implied that Bernie won.

oh, so u believe in the party that can't do math?

(20 trillion Debt... This admin raised the Debt more than all previous COMBINED)

the party that can't do math

wants to kill unborn children

worships the earth

hates God


so we know where you are coming from..




New member
Romney beat Obama pretty easily in the debates, yet it didn't really matter.

I didn't see many of those debates

but part of one I did see... looked like Romney was just far too nice to O

besides... I feel most of America knows (the elites in WA probably don't b/c most of them are NOT "religious"... not like most of the rest of America anyway.. Yeh, most of America is not overly religious but they do tend to be somewhat into God... once in awhile... WA? different story)

but anyway 2 finish my sentence... most of America knows that Mormonism is a CULT... a very bizarre religion that has very negative effects...