toldailytopic: Are there any types of new gun control or firearms restrictions you wo

This Charming Manc

Well-known member
Hmm and you worry an interfering state is going to remove your freedom?

Yes, if it is part of a law similar to this:

All able-bodied citizens from the age of twenty or older will be a member of the militia of their individual state of residence, and be required to purchase and own at least one firearm and maintain at least 48 rounds of ammunition for each firearm in his possession.

Firearms and ammunition will be purchased by the individual members of the militia from the seller of their choice using their own funds. If a member of the militia is unable to afford a firearm and ammunition, a firearm and ammunition may be provided by the individual state upon acceptance of proof of indigency.

Any member of the militia that is unable to show a firearm and ammunition for inspection upon request from a senior militia officer will be charged with treason against the individual state.

Militia members will be required to attend training for 48 hours every 8 weeks, to be scheduled by the senior militia officers of the militia member's county of residence. Militia members that fail to report will be charged with treason against the individual state.

Petition for exemption from Militia service can be made for the following:
___Conscientious Objectors

Exemptions to membership in the militia will be automatically made for anyone not acceptable for Militia service due to any of the following:
___Poor physical health
___History of or currently in treatment for mental health problem
___Criminal history
___Current employment with any United States agency
___Currently serving in any United States armed force
___Currently is a foreign national or has dual citizenship
___Currently is in process of immigration to become a citizen of any of the United States

Automatic exemptions may be overturned at the discretion of the individual State upon petition.

It shall be illegal for anyone that is not a member of the militia to own a firearm and/or ammunition. Any non-militia member found in possession of a firearm or ammunition will be charged with felony possession. Exemptions will be made for members of any armed force of the United States, any member of a law enforcement agency of the United States, foreign nationals granted permission to carry firearms in United States territory by the United States, any member of the militia of one of the individual States, and any member of a law enforcement agency of one of the individual States.​


New member
Hall of Fame
None of those freedoms can be kept without the right to bear arms.

You seem to have never learned that.


That's a complete crock.

It takes more than guns to guarantee freedom. If you were right, we wouldn't have any of the problems we have now thanks to our overbearing regime.


New member
It takes more than guns to guarantee freedom. If you were right, we wouldn't have any of the problems we have now thanks to our overbearing regime.

It takes a well regulated militia run by each of the individual sovereign States to maintain freedom and security from an overbearing Federal government.

But, thanks to the States not maintaining their sovereignty and their militias and the destruction of our freedoms that occurred in the 1860's, we now have an overbearing regime that is working hard on disarming all the citizens.

This Charming Manc

Well-known member
Strange I don't have the right to bear arms, but I seem to have most if not all of the other freedoms in your bill of rights.

Seems like you can have one without the other after all.

None of those freedoms can be kept without the right to bear arms.

You seem to have never learned that.



Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Yes, if it is part of a law similar to this:

All able-bodied citizens from the age of twenty or older will be a member of the (Ktoyou) :chuckle:militia ..............

Militia members will be required to attend training for 48 hours every 8 weeks,

Petition for exemption from Militia service can be made for the following:...........
___Conscientious Objectors

Exemptions to membership a "NO" letter from Ktoyou) :chuckle:
___Poor physical health, (nutty, wacky, a troll, a common droog, welfare monger, fish monger, and other monger)

___Currently is a foreign national or has dual citizenship, ( but being a global citizen is always OK.
___Currently is in process of immigration to become a citizen of (Mars);)

Automatic exemptions may be overturned at the discretion of (Ktoyou), upon petition.

It shall be illegal for anyone to own a firearm and.. ammunition. (Anyone) not found in possession of a firearm or ammunition will be charged with (two weeks in the woodshed). Exemptions will be made (according to the discretion of Ktoyou.)​

I support this possession and position!
Kat :chew: :)


New member
Hall of Fame
It takes a well regulated militia run by each of the individual sovereign States to maintain freedom and security from an overbearing Federal government.

But, thanks to the States not maintaining their sovereignty and their militias and the destruction of our freedoms that occurred in the 1860's, we now have an overbearing regime that is working hard on disarming all the citizens.

Well again, if that were the case, we wouldn't be in the fix we're in now. A well-armed citizenry hasn't fazed Washington in the least for decades. What does that tell you?

Having a gun is no guarantee of freedom. It takes more than that. They don't need to come get our guns.


New member
Strange I don't have the right to bear arms, but I seem to have most if not all of the other freedoms in your bill of rights.

Seems like you can have one without the other after all.

Not strange at all. You have been living in a free sovereign state that has not been subjegated by another power originally designed to serve some specific needs of a federation of free sovereign states.

In other words, the EU has not started taking the freedoms away from citizens of England.


New member
A well-armed citizenry hasn't fazed Washington in the least for decades.
You don't understand Militia?


Let me say it slower:

M i l i t i a

. . .This declaration of rights, I take it, is intended to secure the people against the mal-administration of the government; . . . What, sir, is the use of a militia? It is to prevent the establishment of a standing army, the bane of liberty. Now it must be evident, that under this provision, together with their other powers, congress could take such measures ith respect to a militia, as make a standing army necessary. Whenever government mean to invade the rights and liberties of the people, they always attempt to destroy the militia, in order to raise an army upon their ruins. This was actually done by Great Britain at the commencement of the late revolution. They used every means in their power to prevent the establishement of an effective militia to the eastward. The assembly of Massachusetts, seeing the rapid progress that administration were making, to divest them of their inherent privileges, endeavored to counteract them by the organization of the militia, but they were always defeated by the influence of the crown. . .


New member
Hall of Fame
You don't understand Militia?


Let me say it slower:

M i l i t i a

You're not reading my posts.

I understand the concept of a citizen militia just fine. But as I said, for the second time now, a well-armed citizenry hasn't intimidated Washington for decades. What does that tell you?

A gun doesn't guarantee freedom. It takes much more than that to safeguard liberty. We have our guns. We blew it. Given the amount of abuse we've tolerated (and continue to tolerate) I see no reason to believe this macho fantasy of "rising up and taking arms" will ever come to fruition except in the imagination of some wannabe Rambos.


New member
But as I said, for the second time now, a well-armed citizenry hasn't intimidated Washington for decades. What does that tell you?

It tells me that you don't know the difference between untrained unorganized individual citizens with firearms and a military force organized under the control of a sovereign state government made up of trained armed citizens of that state who can be called up during times of need: a MILITIA.

:rotfl: Sometimes that's all you can say to morons like Granite.


I understand the concept of a citizen militia just fine. But as I said, for the second time now, a well-armed citizenry hasn't intimidated Washington for decades. What does that tell you?

That not enough people are reading the words of Thomas Jefferson.

"...And what country can preserve it's liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it's natural manure..."


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
I understand the concept of a citizen militia just fine. But as I said, for the second time now, a well-armed citizenry hasn't intimidated Washington for decades. What does that tell you?
It tells me that citizens need bigger and better guns.


New member
Hall of Fame
It tells me that you don't know the difference between untrained unorganized individual citizens with firearms and a military force organized under the control of a sovereign state government made up of trained armed citizens of that state who can be called up during times of need: a MILITIA.

Sure I do. So which states do you have in mind have their militias geared up and ready to go? If that's the silver bullet explanation you have for our troubles you don't know your history very well.

The bigger point you keep ignoring is that guns, no matter who has them, aren't enough to protect freedom or safeguard liberty. An ignorant militia controlled by an equally ignorant governor is more dangerous than no organized state militia at all. And a citizenry that cheers an armed force that thinks it knows what it's doing aids and abets the worst in us.


New member
Hall of Fame
It tells me that citizens need bigger and better guns.

Right, because that's worked out so well so far.:rolleyes:

If the solution you fall back on is "more guns," then you're part of the problem. More books might help.