Town Quixote's Gazette #1

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Tuesday (make-up holiday) Gazette :singer:

So AB and Q were debating the potential of Q's rep passing AB's...
Tell ya what Quince. If you manage that I'll leave the forum....! :nananana:

Heck, come to think on it that'll probably guarantee you'll manage it.
:think: I can't speak for everyone, but I know it brought me on board.

Hmm, should have thought about that a bit more really...
A bit early for a new motto, don't you think?

Leading to...
i dont see how you guys type so fast. i just barely typed my last response and read it after it posted and you guys already started a new page :plain:
Yes, it's amazing what you can do when you're literate. :plain:

And what AB can do also. :eek:

Or if you're used to being paid by the word. ;)
Ah, stenography. :plain:

Then, back in zoo's secession thread...
Well I know the native americans would have agreed, now if only europe would have takin dear Johns little warm and fuzzy ditto to heart, and stayed on their own island.
And the native Americans had left the Bering Strait alone then Sasquatch would have his own land again. :D

Brave, noble Sasquatch. :plain:

Well, I did a little bit of research, and apparently, the United States of America is now probably going to look a lot like this:

Not if Sasquatch has anything to say about it...which so far as we know he can't.

File this under "Why being a native speaker can sometimes really matter"...
X. Athiests

XX. Non Believers

XXX. Non Denominations

:scripto: This is in my humble opinion... :drum:
I suspect I speak for a great many people when I say, "What??" :liberals:

Are Protestants G or PG rated? :think:

For this to qualify as an opinion, you need to define what X is.
Maybe we're supposed to solve for x. :plain:
But no one really knew...

I got X=37.22222222, give or take a non-denominationist.
It would be easier if we had a Baptist in the mix. Then you'd know there'd be pi. :plain:

Tried to discuss the law...
...The collective is far more likely to get things systematically wrong every single time.
Cite to the study in jurisprudence that supports that.

When you establish meaningless rules and call them necessary and everyone starts thinking they are the be all and end all, then every case becomes a perversion.
What meaningless rules?

...The first one being that everyone has to have a lawyer.
See, that's not even actually a rule. You can defend yourself pro se and even bring action without counsel, foolish as that is, in many civil circumstances. is far more likely that one man will do right than it is for a crowd to decide to do right.
Well, no. That's just you declaring a thing without any study of my system, the one you decided to weigh in on and declare a few things about like this, to support your bias.

The fact is, and one supported by verdict after upheld verdict, that juries, properly constituted, informed of the evidence and charged, do good work that is confirmed by those learned in the law upon appeal and review.

...Bible says a judge and multiple witnesses. Nothing about lawyers, rights or juicyprunings.
We aren't a theocracy and I haven't asserted that we're attempting to repeat what made perfect sense in that day but makes less sense in this one (see, better educated and informed jury pools, forensic evidence, etc.).

Otherwise, the point of contention between us was never over how the OT system of justice functioned, but your unfounded declarations regarding mine.

Your system is corrupt, broken and evil.

They remain unfounded.

Ending with...
Judges are not above the law and the same problems are rampant within your system.
Rampant? Nonsense...cite any authoritative study confirming your view...I'll wait while you don't do that. :plain:

...All you have to do is open a newspaper.
I agree that properly illustrates your problem, conflating your anecdotal impression with fact and rule.

Tomorrow? Scandal rocks the Cub Reporters thread, parades and someone else tries to kill all the lawyers...