Town Quixote's Spotlight: Profiles in Discouragement

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Profiles in Discouragement: a random glimpse into the richness of profile page life and conversation. The names have been changed to one really, but there you go.

First guy: Nice childish remark! I would expect nothing less from you.

Country Traditionalist: No idea what you're talking about...

FG: I'm certain your remark was innocent. One might even add, childish in nature.

CT: One might add a random string of letters to the end of a word, but really, why would one do that?

FG: I think you might be able to come up with a worthwhile reason! Considering you're such a childlike man!

CT: I think just getting reason into a sentence written by you should automatically qualify me for a Nobel Prize. :plain:

FG: I believe you think way to highly of yourself as it is! Lets forego the Nobel prize for now!

CT: Men believe all sorts of things. Some of them are true and some merely convenient. The best way to distinguish between the two is to see how strong an argument you can make of it without relying on feeling and requiring yourself to utilize fact and reason in support.

In my experience not many people are interested in that. But declaratives? That's more popular than flapjacks.