Trump's Economic Plan Detached from Reality


New member
Government regulation of the economy didn't work when Obama did it. It didn't work when any other President did it. It isn't going to work when Trump does it. Free markets are the only way to grow the economy.

"...The plan betrays embarrassing ignorance of how trade negotiations work and a farcically simplistic and erroneous understanding of economics. In essence, the plan justifies Trump’s policies by reimagining how the world works.

Trump’s entire view of trade and its impact on the U.S. economy is wrong. He believes that trade is good for the United States only if we export more than we import and that trade relations are a contest between countries, which we are losing because they sell more stuff to us than we sell to them. He claims to be the tough-guy who will the save the American economy from shrewd foreign cheaters and the inept government officials who let them beat us.

Since that’s not how things work in the real world, he has to rely on falsehoods and bad economics to justify disastrous policies. This new white paper is just a continuation of that tactic...."
Excerpt from "Trump's Economic Plan Is Completely Detached from Reality" by Bill Watson
Published on FEE: Foundation for Economic Education
Full article here


Liberals are the grand masters at pretending anything to be different than they actual are :rotfl:



New member
Liberals are the grand masters at pretending anything to be different than they actual are :rotfl:

The liberals and conservatives both do it. For instance, liberals pretend Trump isn't a liberal. Conservatives pretend Trump isn't a liberal.

Liberals think government regulation works.
Conservatives think government regulation works.

The left and right are two wings of the same mentally deficient bird.


The liberals and conservatives both do it. For instance, liberals pretend Trump isn't a liberal. Conservatives pretend Trump isn't a liberal.

Trump is a conservative with a big liberal slant. He's been that way for the past forty years, and now people want to try and pretend otherwise.

But liberals? They are guilty of all things conservatives are not, and excel more in the things they both share :rolleyes: