What Do You Think Is Trump's Role In Last Day Events?


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It wasn't a question... But yes, you're correct.

The Lord's return has always been imminent, but it is the Father's prerogative to decide when to return. No one knows the day or the hour, only the Father, but we can hasten His return.


Well-known member
Trump is clearly anti-Islam and pro-Israel which will all help with the Jews getting to rebuild their temple before the anti-Christ appears and the apostasy of the church happens.

And yes I believe it will happen while he is in office for the full 8 years or if only 4 years then it will happen very soon after he leaves.


New member
How about America? Where does she play into it?

From within the perspective I hold to; God is not dealing in political intrigue and all that during this present Mystery Age.

All that is in play when He is dealing with the world thru the Nation Israel.

And He temporarily put all that aside back in the 1st Century.

And when He picks that up once more; it will play out from within where He left it - within the Middle East - Daniel 9 thru11 in light of Romans 9 thru 11.


New member
Trump is a Christian? Really?!??

How do you know this to be true?

What little time Trump has attended "church" was largely at the "church" of the infamous New Age Christian Science Gospel of Prosperity "Preacher" Dr. Norman Vincent Peale.

In other words, Christ was never preached by Peale, as he did not believe in Christ.


Not to mention, Trump ended up on Peale's family's bad side...



It wasn't a question... But yes, you're correct.

The Lord's return has always been imminent, but it is the Father's prerogative to decide when to return. No one knows the day or the hour, only the Father, but we can hasten His return.

Yeah, well, that's all wrong as well.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
From within the perspective I hold to; God is not dealing in political intrigue and all that during this present Mystery Age.

All that is in play when He is dealing with the world thru the Nation Israel.

And He temporarily put all that aside back in the 1st Century.

And when He picks that up once more; it will play out from within where He left it - within the Middle East - Daniel 9 thru11 in light of Romans 9 thru 11.

100% agreed. But, the mystery of iniquity doth already work. It is likely Satan is working and preparing to unveil his man of sin when that which witholdeth is taken away.


New member
100% agreed. But, the mystery of iniquity doth already work. It is likely Satan is working and preparing to unveil his man of sin when that which witholdeth is taken away.

A thought...

I very often find the vast majority of my understandings and findings match those of Grace School of the Bible (Richard Jordan).

Likewise as to the above issue.

I take it you have never heard of the understanding that 2 Thess. 2's "mystery of iniquity" is actually a reference to fact of "the mystery" holding back "iniquity"?

Paul reminds them he had taught them about events during Daniel's 70th week.

One aspect of that?

That the full blown iniquity the world had then been headed for (Daniel's 70th week) with Israel's fall and casting away at Acts 7; had been interrupted.

But you hold the Acts 28er view that Israel was cast away at Acts 28, not at Acts 7.

Meaning, our study approach - yours and mine - differs.

And study approach will greatly impact one's resulting understanding on various things, here and there.

I continue to find this dynamic, a fascinating one.

Eph. 4:16.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
A thought...

I very often find the vast majority of my understandings and findings match those of Grace School of the Bible (Richard Jordan).

Likewise as to the above issue.

I take it you have never heard of the understanding that 2 Thess. 2's "mystery of iniquity" is actually a reference to fact of "the mystery" holding back "iniquity"?

This is possible. I still see the mystery of iniquity to be the counterfeit of the mystery of godliness, however.


Well-known member
There is the kingdom Luke 17:20-21 then there is the observational one of traditions with all its diverse doctrines based on times fickle die visions where the cows never come home, and hell freezes over for each consecutive generation looking outside themselves for something they already have Ephesians 5:14, 1John 4:1-5 Colossians 1:27, 1 Cor 3:16 :doh: 2Cor 3:6! your hourglass is running out opie better discern Galatians 4:24 before you have to reboot.


New member
There is the kingdom Luke 17:20-21 then there is the observational one of traditions with all its diverse doctrines based on times fickle die visions where the cows never come home, and hell freezes over for each consecutive generation looking outside themselves for something they already have Ephesians 5:14, 1John 4:1-5 Colossians 1:27, 1 Cor 3:16 :doh: 2Cor 3:6! your hourglass is running out opie better discern Galatians 4:24 before you have to reboot.

Whoops - Otis has taken over The Courthouse again :chuckle:


New member
This is possible. I still see the mystery of iniquity to be the counterfeit of the mystery of godliness, however.

Yeah, most within the BBS hold your view on the mystery of iniquity.

As do most within the GGF, TCM, and GBC.

Some within smaller groups here and there on their own like what remains of the late, Keith Blades' old group, etc., do not hold your view on that.

GSB, which has ended up just as huge in following and Pastors as all those combined (they were the first to harness the massive reach of the internet), does not hold your view on that.

But if you know Jordan's teachings well, than you know his study approach is more than very...exhaustive.

Point is, various individuals within these different groups are astoundingly sharp in their minute distinctions of the things that differ.

Jordan's studies on Romans and Ephesians alone, are pure gold in how to both properly study a thing out, and in depth.

Just a matter of working out their findings backwards to what study principles their assertions point back to.

This is how I am so easily able to make out what the heck IP is often going on about.

And my difference in understanding with you on some things is not mine alone.

Far from it.

While I'm at it - pick up, any of the BBS' Pastor Joel Finck's writings, work any one of his assertions backwards to what study principles they suggest he was unconsciously following that resulted in his findings, and you have one heck of a great study principles teacher in his findings.

Likewise with the many writings of that general of humility among of all of them - the late Pastor J.C. O'Hair.

What a humble heart for the Lord and the right understanding of His Word that brother had had.

And what a sharp mind for the finest of distinctions - even for his time...