Dear musterion,
I don't have a lot to say, but I didn't want to risk saying anything else in the Chat Box, because half of the time, I'm not suppose to chat about certain things there.
I am almost certain that I mentioned great brush fires burning in CA prior to the Great Earthquake and Flood. I don't know how to find your last thread regarding those things, so whatever. I have written about them in my book, "What Your Eyes Have Not Seen," my 7th Edition and also in the first six editions before that. Evidently you didn't read my book. Perhaps someone else on TOL read about the fires that I prophesied about before the L.A. Earthquake in some of my previous posts to you.
This is just dandy. God goes through all of that work burning extensive fires in CA and you don't even know that it is part of my prophecy? Whatever. Well, I knew about the great brush fires, great earthquake and great flood years ago, and these things are recorded in my book. If you don't trust me, check out my book to find out. If you want to find out how to read it free online, let me know as soon as is best for you.
I will just tell you now how to read my book for free, to save any hassles. Type: in your browser. Then you will be on a website that has a big picture of Jesus from my TOL avatar on it. On the left, left-click on the words, "Book Copy." Then left-click on the words that come up, "SKU-text2.pdf"
You will then be brought to my book. The first two pages are blank, for autographs and readers' notes. On the 3rd page will be the Title Page of my book. You can read the book online by using your up and down arrow cursor keys to flip through the pages, or you can download it to your computer hard drive or print it out. You will notice that I prophesied about the fires as well as the earthquake. I'm doing my best to accommodate you every time you have dissension with what I am saying to you, but you do make it very hard if you won't put forth some effort. By the way, see Pages 17 & 18 of my book which first mentions the fires and earthquake in CA. I refer to it also in other parts of the book, I believe. There you go.
With all my being, I truly thought that I had surely mentioned the wildfires with you previously. If not, I am very sorry and I apologize. It baffles me, to be honest, because I usually mention all three things when describing my visions about CA.
Don't call me a liar before you know the actual facts, Musterion. It isn't very polite and you might prove to be wrong after all. Let me know how you feel. I just dropped back in to let you know about the extensive fires in CA and did not plan to open a new Thread about all of this.
P.S. I'm not going to hell, so don't worry about it. As hard as it is for you to believe, He does love me and care about me.
May His Inquisitiveness Be Within Your Heart Today,
I don't have a lot to say, but I didn't want to risk saying anything else in the Chat Box, because half of the time, I'm not suppose to chat about certain things there.
I am almost certain that I mentioned great brush fires burning in CA prior to the Great Earthquake and Flood. I don't know how to find your last thread regarding those things, so whatever. I have written about them in my book, "What Your Eyes Have Not Seen," my 7th Edition and also in the first six editions before that. Evidently you didn't read my book. Perhaps someone else on TOL read about the fires that I prophesied about before the L.A. Earthquake in some of my previous posts to you.
This is just dandy. God goes through all of that work burning extensive fires in CA and you don't even know that it is part of my prophecy? Whatever. Well, I knew about the great brush fires, great earthquake and great flood years ago, and these things are recorded in my book. If you don't trust me, check out my book to find out. If you want to find out how to read it free online, let me know as soon as is best for you.
I will just tell you now how to read my book for free, to save any hassles. Type: in your browser. Then you will be on a website that has a big picture of Jesus from my TOL avatar on it. On the left, left-click on the words, "Book Copy." Then left-click on the words that come up, "SKU-text2.pdf"
You will then be brought to my book. The first two pages are blank, for autographs and readers' notes. On the 3rd page will be the Title Page of my book. You can read the book online by using your up and down arrow cursor keys to flip through the pages, or you can download it to your computer hard drive or print it out. You will notice that I prophesied about the fires as well as the earthquake. I'm doing my best to accommodate you every time you have dissension with what I am saying to you, but you do make it very hard if you won't put forth some effort. By the way, see Pages 17 & 18 of my book which first mentions the fires and earthquake in CA. I refer to it also in other parts of the book, I believe. There you go.
With all my being, I truly thought that I had surely mentioned the wildfires with you previously. If not, I am very sorry and I apologize. It baffles me, to be honest, because I usually mention all three things when describing my visions about CA.
Don't call me a liar before you know the actual facts, Musterion. It isn't very polite and you might prove to be wrong after all. Let me know how you feel. I just dropped back in to let you know about the extensive fires in CA and did not plan to open a new Thread about all of this.
P.S. I'm not going to hell, so don't worry about it. As hard as it is for you to believe, He does love me and care about me.
May His Inquisitiveness Be Within Your Heart Today,
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