Not familiar with Lynn Hayes, but just a few minutes in...and some great truth-insights

- will check out more later.
Indeed,...saying we are 'divine' is NOT saying we are God Almighty, as if we are the totality or finality of 'God' in toto,.... for we could never be that in this individualized 'form', albiet we are 'God' in the sense of being his imaged offspring and creative expression, in as much as the light, spirit, essence, mind and soul of God is expressing IN us....and AS us

(this must all be spiritually/metaphysically discerned and
related, both essentially and figuratively). - otherwise you get a muddled rejection from literalists/materialists who are wholly bound to carnality, and cannot see beyond the matter of their own inertia or ignorance.
One can only say 'we are divine' ONLY from the view-point of divinity within his own being, on any ontological, potential or creative level. If you're a theist or spiritualist of any kind, you trust that our very existence and all its creative powers exist, because of Spirit. Spirit is One and All. There is no other 'source', 'life' or 'vitality' existing, but THAT.
Our discernment here is in the spiritual and intellectual, - however these all apply within their own dimensional context. All is a translation of energy and consciousness, - all is God including and concluding Itself, within creation. This is all that is being and becoming, transformationally speaking. We identify 'God' as the pure original light of consciousness and source-energy from whence all creation is born, sustained and continues its play of potentials. Nothing exists outside of this Infinite ALL,...since the All is all there will ever BE (no matter differentials or descriptions of time or space).
All the potencies and actuals of SPIRIT inhere in man, so in our communion and engagement with God,
we are co-creating with Spirit in every moment, each seed of thought, word and action is consequentially unfolding within various sectors of the law of karma, all seed-forms creating
after their own kind. All these laws and principles inhere in Nature herself, extending in every
individual point of consciousness, in space and time, bearing their own affections by the laws that govern movement,...cause and effect. In this sense,
we engage existence both as creators and creations.
All is energy, but modified, modulated and continuously transforming.