The time has come...

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
This SHOULD be the top story being talked about globally - not only the results of the study, but the fact that the mainstream media is deliberately refusing to report on it.

Sometimes it's a shame that the words 'liberal' and 'conservative' are used improperly. In this story they use 'liberal' to mean Democrat basically, same with how the media talk about the Supreme Court; they call basically Republican justices 'conservatives' and Dems 'liberals', but the words themselves really mean something else.

In this case, lockdowns are actually 'conservative', where conservative means basically 'paternalistic'; more-or-less somewhat 'overbearing'. And being against lockdowns is actually 'liberal', where we just trust people to exercise their God-given rights in whatever lawful way that they see fit.

It's liberal to let people do as they wish, and conservative to make them stay inside 'for their own good', and 'whether they like it or not'.

way 2 go

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Alberta Montana border



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His stuff is so great.

I was hesitant in watching his stuff at first, just because I don't usually like watching those kinds of videos, but his videos are informative while still insulting to the wicked, and still somehow staying under the radar.... and as far as I can tell, he's likely a Christian.

Also, Hi Poly!


Blessed beyond measure
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I was hesitant in watching his stuff at first, just because I don't usually like watching those kinds of videos, but his videos are informative while still insulting to the wicked, and still somehow staying under the radar.... and as far as I can tell, he's likely a Christian.

Also, Hi Poly!

Hi to you too!:)

way 2 go

Well-known member

[88]The evidence on these further issues is sparce, however. I accept that DrPetrovskyis qualified to give expert evidence on thelikely effects of vaccination on the workforces. He explained in his evidence that vaccination has potential benefit in reducing the severity of disease, even with the Omicron variant. But in his view mandatory vaccination does not assist in preventing workers in affected roles from contracting COVID-19, or transmitting it to others. Indeed his view was that it may ultimately increase the spread of the virus in a workforce because of increased asymptomatic transmission by the vaccinated, or undue reliance by them on the vaccine’s apparent protection. His view was that the more effective measures involved other techniques, such as the use of rapid antigen testing and isolation.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond