O’Reilly: Biden is Toast


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
And those good people are voting for bad people.
Or voting against very bad people.

I'm talking about a rigged system where the powers that be chose who you can vote for. Some "choice".
For which you have no evidence.

Such a system does not exist. The left wishes it existed but it doesn't. If they could create it, they would, but they can't. If such a system existed, the Trump Presidency would never have happened. They couldn't keep him from running, they couldn't keep him from winning, they couldn't keep him from getting his agenda passed, they couldn't stop him from building the wall, they couldn't stop him from getting three Supreme Court Justices seated, not to mention hundreds of other judges nation wide and while they barely won in 2020, they will almost certainly fail to prevent him from doing it all again!

Many people do... that's how they keep the system in their control.
Conspiracy theory nonsense.

I never said "no power", just minimal power.
Based on what evidence?

Believe what you like Clete.
That's my line! Believing whatever we want isn't how reality works.

I try to restrict myself to believing in things that are real, that there is evidence for and that comport with not only my own experience and history but with simple common sense and plain reason.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
Or voting against very bad people.
55% of Republicans support gay marriage, which for you must be very bad:

But 83% of Democrats support it, so I guess you'll keep voting Republican for that reason among others. You'll still get gay marriage with Republicans though.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Even if this were so, what do you purpose? Not voting?
Not voting isn't as bad as you might think. And the argument for not voting gets better as the decline in the US goes forward.
Playing to win is not an attribute of evil people but just smart people. In other words, playing to win is not acting like the Dems or acting like evil people, it's just not being stupid.
Yeah. The point is lately they play to win and we don't.
Well, since 2016, I'd say that the right side of the isle has won quite a lot more than its lost. With Roe looking like it's going to go down and much more solidly conservative people winning in primaries and a likely red wave coming this November the likes of which hasn't happened in our lifetimes, it looks like the winning is going to continue and even accelerate.
They said that in 2016, too.
Cheating is just about all the Dems have left. You can win here and there by cheating but not consistently and not permanently.

They've been cheating for a long time so it doesn't look like it's going to end. They have more judges on their side now and will continue to gain there. And if that doesn't work, more often than not the Republican isn't any better anyway.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
55% of Republicans support gay marriage, which for you must be very bad:

It's not just bad, its criminal. Supporting a capital crime is itself a crime. Judgment day is coming.

But 83% of Democrats support it, so I guess you'll keep voting Republican for that reason among others. You'll still get gay marriage with Republicans though.
So what am I to do, give up? That's what this sort of thinking leads to and all my enemies want me to buy into it. Wouldn't it be so much easier for all the evil Deomcrats and Republican if people like me shut my mouth and sat at home on election day?!

I stand for what is right and I push with whatever strength I have in that direction. I am not responsible for what either Republicans or Democrats support. If it were possible, I'd defeat them both, but that isn't the world we live in.


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
It's not just bad, its criminal. Supporting a capital crime is itself a crime. Judgment day is coming.

So what am I to do, give up? That's what this sort of thinking leads to and all my enemies want me to buy into it. Wouldn't it be so much easier for all the evil Deomcrats and Republican if people like me shut my mouth and sat at home on election day?!

I stand for what is right and I push with whatever strength I have in that direction. I am not responsible for what either Republicans or Democrats support. If it were possible, I'd defeat them both, but that isn't the world we live in.

User Name is a troll

Best to just ignore him


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Not voting isn't as bad as you might think. And the argument for not voting gets better as the decline in the US goes forward.
I haven't ever heard anyone give a convincing argument yet. I've been listening for three decades.

Yeah. The point is lately they play to win and we don't.
Sitting at home on election day is hardly playing to win and the right side of the politial isle has been fighting bad much better lately than they have at any point in my lifetime.

They said that in 2016, too.
I don't understand your point? No one in 2016 other than Trump was talking about winning on the sort of scale we've seen since then.

They've been cheating for a long time so it doesn't look like it's going to end.
They have not been cheating on any sort of scale that approaches what they did in 2020. If you think the Democratic Party is the same now as it was ten years ago, you haven't been paying attention.

They have more judges on their side now

and will continue to gain there.

And if that doesn't work, more often than not the Republican isn't any better anyway.
Completely false to the point of delusion!

Are you seriously suggesting that we're no better off as a country than we would be had Hillary Clinton defeated Trump in 2016?

Would the Berlin Wall have come down had Jimmy Carter won a second term?

Do you really believe that Michael Dukakis or Al Gore would have made a better President than George W Bush and that we weren't far better off with Bush than we would have been under either of those two wacko liberal jack-asses?

I just cannot understand the mentality that seems to completely ignore the fact that we live in a nation that is NOT biblical and most certainly NOT Christian. There is not EVER going to be someone that you can vote for that is going to be an ideal candidate because no one who would be an ideal candidate would ever run to be in charge of this form of government in the first place! Your enemy has handed you a weapon to use against him and you think it's somehow wiser not to use it. I just do not get it. I never have understood it and probably never will.


User Name

Greatest poster ever
User Name is a troll

Best to just ignore him
What did I say that was untrue? Is it not true that 55% of Republicans support gay marriage? It is true:

"Republicans, who have consistently been the party group least in favor of same-sex marriage, show majority support in 2021 for the first time (55%). The latest increase in support among all Americans is driven largely by changes in Republicans' views."

Deal with it.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
What did I say that was untrue? Is it not true that 55% of Republicans support gay marriage? It is true:

"Republicans, who have consistently been the party group least in favor of same-sex marriage, show majority support in 2021 for the first time (55%). The latest increase in support among all Americans is driven largely by changes in Republicans' views."

Deal with it.
The point is that it is irrelevant.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
It should be relevant to you that the majority of the Republican Party doesn't share your views on major issues. For example, consider this tweet from the Republican National Committee chair, Ronna McDaniel:

The fact that it is irrelevant coupled with the fact that you don't actually respond to what is said to you with any substance but simply take any response as an excuse to repeat the same irrelevant point is why you are commonly called a troll. You seem incapable of engaging in substantive two way conversations about important topics.

The fact is that I am not a Republican nor do I share the same worldview as the majority of Republicans and so it is to be expected that the majority of them will hold views with which I disagree? It seems the tactic that the Republicans are pursuing is to attract what's left of the rational people who call themselves Democrats and leave only the radical lunatics in the Democratic Party. This is good for me because it makes it easier to tell which is the major enemy. Then when (or if) the Democratic Party destroys itself from within, that will leave a new major enemy for me to focus the fight against, that enemy being the leftward leaning and otherwise immoral members of the Republican Party. The point being is that there is a wide variety of evil people in the world and one must choose their battles.


User Name

Greatest poster ever
The point being is that there is a wide variety of evil people in the world and one must choose their battles.
It's incredible that even on the forum of the late Bob Enyart, almost none of his closest followers understood his rebuke of the Republican Party and of those who insist on supporting it. Even the admin never understood it--or if they did, they rejected it.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
Then when (or if) the Democratic Party destroys itself from within, that will leave a new major enemy for me to focus the fight against, that enemy being the leftward leaning and otherwise immoral members of the Republican Party.
You don't seem to realize that even within the Republican Party, you are outnumbered and out-gunned. They will be coming for you, not the other way around. In the meantime, every Republican vote you cast goes to empower the Republican establishment that you oppose and that opposes you.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I haven't ever heard anyone give a convincing argument yet. I've been listening for three decades.
Let's say you vote for a good leader. He wins. You expect the other side to concede and go along with whatever policies your preferred candidate rules with. The problem is it also goes the other way. If they win you are expected to accept the evil rule their leader rules with. It's part of the package you agree to when you accept the voting system.

As things have gotten worse, we see the left does not accept the victory of candidates conservatives vote for. They are allowed to be violent, cushioned by the system that doesn't punish in a way necessary to deter their behavior. Neither the culture nor the law is going to stop them, and all the victories on the right amount to a stall maneuver.

But this was always the case with the voting system. It wasn't that voting mattered more in the past, it was that in the past we thought good people voting could hold off the barbarians that are now inside the gates.
Sitting at home on election day is hardly playing to win and the right side of the politial isle has been fighting bad much better lately than they have at any point in my lifetime.
If you've counted on election day to be the culmination of your current battle, it's too late. Sure, the establishment doesn't always get its Romney/McCain/McConnell/Dole/Bush they want on the ballot, but they do so the majority of the time. And the only people the establishment hates more than democrats is conservatives... to say nothing of their hatred of right wingers. Sure, the establishment candidate will be less evil by many measures, but they always cave to the evil side in the end.
I don't understand your point? No one in 2016 other than Trump was talking about winning on the sort of scale we've seen since then.
The point was that conservatives thought we had been building up victories which lead to the win in 2016. We weren't winning then, and we are winning enough to turn things around now. Sure, I think with the left being more open about their evil intentions has been the red pill for a lot of people
They're have not been cheating on any sort of scale that approaches what they did in 2020. If you think the Democratic Party is the same now as it was ten years ago, you haven't been paying attention.
Oh, we agree they are getting worse, but just because they cannot cheat at the scale they could in 2020 doesn't mean they can't cheat on at least the levels they've been cheating on for decades.
As Robert Barnes has stated, leftist judges are increasing in number. He has a really great view of the inside workings of the courts so I would initially trust that assessment. Why do you think the left doesn't have more judges on their side?
Again, Robert Barnes says they are increasing in number. What do you see that you think that's not true?
Completely false to the point of delusion!
No, the Republicans aren't the stupid party for no reason. If they weren't nearly as bad as the democrats they would have kicked out Pence/Romney/McCain/McConnell/Dole et al... but not only do they not kick them out, they promote them to the highest levels!
Are you seriously suggesting that we're no better off as a country than we would be had Hillary Clinton defeated Trump in 2016?

Would the Berlin Wall have come down had Jimmy Carter won a second term?

Do you really believe that Michael Dukakis or Al Gore would have made a better President than George W Bush and that we weren't far better off with Bush than we would have been under either of those two wacko liberal jack-asses?

I just cannot understand the mentality that seems to completely ignore the fact that we live in a nation that is NOT biblical and most certainly NOT Christian. There is not EVER going to be someone that you can vote for that is going to be an ideal candidate because no one who would be an ideal candidate would ever run to be in charge of this form of government in the first place! Your enemy has handed you a weapon to use against him and you think it's somehow wiser not to use it. I just do not get it. I never have understood it and probably never will.

When your enemy is gleeful for you to use a weapon against them, a wise person will be skeptical at the very least.
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Gary K

New member
Let's say you vote for a good leader. He wins. You expect the other side to concede and go along with whatever policies your preferred candidate rules with. The problem is it also goes the other way. If they win you are expected to accept the evil rule their leader rules with. It's part of the package you agree to when you accept the voting system.

As things have gotten worse, we see the left does not accept the victory of candidates conservatives vote for. They are allowed to be violent, cushioned by the system that doesn't punish in a way necessary to deter their behavior. Neither the culture nor the law is going to stop them, and all the victories on the right amount to a stall maneuver.

But this was always the case with the voting system. It wasn't that voting mattered more in the past, it was that in the past we thought good people voting could hold off the barbarians that are now inside the gates.

If you've counted on election day to be the culmination of your current battle, it's too late. Sure, the establishment doesn't always get its Romney/McCain/McConnell/Dole/Bush they want on the ballot, but they do so the majority of the time. And the only people the establishment hates more than democrats is conservatives... to say nothing of their hatred of right wingers. Sure, the establishment candidate will be less evil by many measures, but they always lose to the evil side in the end.

The point was that conservatives thought we had been building up victories which lead to the win in 2016. We weren't winning then, and we are winning enough to turn things around now. Sure, I think with the left being more open about their evil intentions has been the red pill for a lot of people

Oh, we agree they are getting worse, but just because they cannot cheat at the scale they could in 2020 doesn't mean they can't cheat on at least the levels they've been cheating on for decades.

As Robert Barnes has stated, leftist judges are increasing in number. He has a really great view of the inside workings of the courts so I would initially trust that assessment. Why do you think the left doesn't have more judges on their side?

Again, Robert Barnes says they are increasing in number. What do you see that you think that's not true?

No, the Republicans aren't the stupid party for no reason. If they weren't nearly as bad as the democrats they would have kicked out Pence/Romney/McCain/McConnell/Dole et al... but not only do they not kick them out, they promote them to the highest levels!

When your enemy is gleeful for you to use a weapon against them, a wise person will be skeptical at the very least.
Good post.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
Sure, the establishment doesn't always get its Romney/McCain/McConnell/Dole/Bush they want on the ballot, but they do so the majority of the time.
We hear lots of talk of "RINOs" these days. The problem seems to be that RINOs make up a large majority of the Republican Party. And some Republicans who aren't considered to be RINOs are nevertheless deeply corrupt, such as Madison Cawthorn and Matt Gaetz, who will be going down sooner or later. And the most powerful Republican politician that you did not mention, Mitch McConnell, is an expert at playing both sides.

Sorry Republicans, but you are not going to be able to vote your way out of that.
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Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
It's incredible that even on the forum of the late Bob Enyart, almost none of his closest followers understood his rebuke of the Republican Party and of those who insist on supporting it. Even the admin never understood it--or if they did, they rejected it.
Bob made the argument many times and it was never that compelling precisely because it isn't about supporting the Republican Party.

I don't support the Republican Party any more than Gen. Eisenhower supported the Russians in WWII.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
Bob made the argument many times and it was never that compelling precisely because it isn't about supporting the Republican Party.

I don't support the Republican Party any more than Gen. Eisenhower supported the Russians in WWII.
Let's say some Soviet communists had migrated to the USA, become citizens, and then run for public office. Would Gen. Eisenhower have voted for them?


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
You don't seem to realize that even within the Republican Party, you are outnumbered and out-gunned. They will be coming for you, not the other way around. In the meantime, every Republican vote you cast goes to empower the Republican establishment that you oppose and that opposes you.
And if I sit on my hands at home, does this distopia show up sooner or later?

User Name

Greatest poster ever
And if I sit on my hands at home, does this distopia show up sooner or later?
Vote third party. Vote for something you actually agree with, rather than give your voice to a party that you KNOW will betray your beliefs.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Vote third party. Vote for something you actually agree with, rather than give your voice to a party that you KNOW will betray your beliefs.
Or instead of throwing away your precious vote, prioritize, pick one or two issues that you reckon have the most ideological leverage, something like abortion or social welfare services, and then vote for the party that supports that issue.