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  • Thanks Kat, I am totally bewildered by how out of bounds that thread became. I did intend some tongue in cheek sarcasm but felt that he could take it because he dishes out so much nastiness. I closed it because it had just degenerated to something unseemly. I thank you for your understanding and support. blessings, pat
    Darn spellchecker (or lack thereof) I misspelt 'hopefully' and prob a whole load of other words....


    Never mind 'Old Kat', make it 'Young Kat' at least in spirit ;) Don't take on too much but keep the ole 'upstairs' functioning ya hear? :D I think what's important is who you are as oppose to age or anything else so keep the positivity going and it won't deflect everything but it's a strong base for what you cope with now and in the future, and hopefuly a long one at that. You're sturdy enough to cope with change K :)
    Hey you

    No need to spare me anything :) I know things have been rough and I've not been around much lately but good to see you 'doing the rounds' :D

    We don't agree on everything but I've always found you to be a feisty and good natured person, who won't stand for any nonsense! :D
    yes, I only mean the false-ego based in illusions,while as one surrenders it,...one can truly then be his Real Self :)
    I know what you are saying, although it is not actually giving up ego, if anything it makes the ego stronger. It is a more authentic dasein; however, dasein ceases in the presence of the other.
    Hi K,

    The subject of space/time is most wondrous! - our entire experience of life in this dimensioned existence occurs within such a context,....yet its the Infinite itself that all this arises within as an 'experience of perception'. All is as a 'play' unfolding, interacting with so many conditions as the wheel of nature carries on its journey. We soon drop this matterial body and arise in our spiritual form to the next phase of the soul's journey and look forward to the cosmic symphony where all shall merge into One! - haha,....ok,...embelleshing a bit :) - sometimes dropping all beliefs and just surrendering to Reality is the sanest way to go....beyond the intellect. Just giving the ego up entirely,.....discarding it. Then when all that is false is abandoned,....there is only that which is True, in its utter purity. Just this BEING, being what it is. Truth in its majesty...beyond any opinion, idea, concept or even 'belief'. This truth is wholly present,...here....NOW.

    Doing alright, glad to hear that. I love those slow down times, it gives cause to some really blessed time with somethings that sometimes are over looked.
    Doing fine. Had my face pressed against my wife's belly and called out to Jack the other day and felt him move against my face in response...which was mind alteringly remarkable. :eek:
    I had to slow my pace down. Doing better and feeling better, despite the coldest winter here.
    Along with T/H, and hope that all is peaceful for you and that there are better days ahead.
    Ktoyou...The kind words I see as mercy drops, that bit of sweet refreshing. In a difficult time I believe mercy drops are like balm of Gilead, and precious as the the touching hand of Jesus...They are words are sincere and are sent as a blessing to you - Psalmist
    Hello, Kat, my friend. I hope your Christmas was full of joy and comfort. I've missed your wit and charm. :)
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