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  • Thanks so much, Lon! You're very kind and thoughtful !!. I truly do appreciate it! Don't think I didn't notice!! Praise God!!
    Thanks for the nudge. I'm going to try not engaging on any hostile level with him or much of anyone if I can help it. And the way he's moved the old challenge makes it pointless anyway. :)
    I can understand that, especially in light of the thread topic. And yes, I would say I lean toward the idea of an open view of God's foreknowledge, not that everything has to be open, but that God is able to bring about His will without pre-determining everything that ever happened/happens/will happen. I think the Omnis, despite your signature, have to bend to scripture's depiction of God, rather than the other way around.
    Hey Lon!! I hope that all is going well with you tonight!! Thanks for your help the other day. It was deeply appreciated indeed!! Thank you!! Tyrathca is a real piece of work! Praise God And His Son, Jesus, And The Holy Ghost!! Selah!!
    Well, realize this website is owned by Open Theists, so there is a denial of the Omni's of God. It will come up in conversation merely because of the need to cover that base. -Lon

    Nice to hear from you again, Lon.

    I wasn't sure what you were referring to. What is the "it" in the second sentence? The denials of the omni's or something else?

    I don't know that I've detected as much denials of the omnis so much as using different definitions of the words. Like the idea that God is still omniscient even if He doesn't foreknow everything about the future, since the future being not a thing yet, isn't a thing to be known yet.

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    (Will have to do in two parts as it is long.)

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    to be continued:

    Thanks, it's generally not my style. I get sucked into it occasionally, but am never proud of it when I do.
    Yes, I understand. I should not make such a big deal out of it. It is so childish.
    In regards to the rep comment. Thanks for the insight concerning Jewish thoughts towards marriage.
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