10 things I'm right about, whether you agree or not.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
1. A Christian cannot lose salvation.

2. The sacrifice of Jesus was not "limited", but for all men, for all time.

3. God wants all men to be saved, not just a predetermined "elect".

4. Paul did not struggle with sin post conversion.

5. The creation was a literal 6 days (24 hours).

6. There is no such thing as "mental" illness.

7. Time is a measurement between two events.

8. Jesus is God manifested in the flesh.

9. No man is justified by works

10. Salvation is an exchanged life, not a changed life.




New member
1. A Christian cannot lose salvation.

2. The sacrifice of Jesus was not "limited", but for all men, for all time.

3. God wants all men to be saved, not just a predetermined "elect".

4. Paul did not struggle with sin post conversion.

5. The creation was a literal 6 days (24 hours).

6. There is no such thing as "mental" illness.

7. Time is a measurement between two events.

8. Jesus is God manifested in the flesh.

9. No man is justified by works

10. Salvation is an exchanged life, not a changed life.


James 2:10-11 KJV – 10- “For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all. 11- For he that said, Do not commit adultery, said also, Do not kill. Now if thou commit no adultery, yet if thou kill, thou art become a transgressor of the law”. -----///--- There is not one person who is not guilty of the Whole Law of Faith. – “NO NOT ONE”. --- Read it, that’s written and rewritten!!! --- If a person teaches one word that is not Truth in his doctrine, that person cannot be a Christian ( Period )
God said it, now lets see anything that shows otherwise!!

You stand ( Rebuked ) for teaching false doctrines!!

Paul – 042513


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Stale thread about the heterodoxy of Keswickianism that starts with the erroneous position of a trichotomous view of man and continues its slide towards gnosticism.

Rather than trying to resurrect Ghost's (a.k.a., Sozo, Mystery, Outlaw, Door) errors, would be better to let them rest in peace. ;)


I am tripartite and reject sinless perfectionism. I would also not assume it has a direct gnostic connection. As well, Keswick may have some validity and they are more extreme in their conclusions.


Well-known member
2. The sacrifice of Jesus was not "limited", but for all men, for all time.


All men do not profit from Jesus Christ.

Galatians: 5 verses: 2

Behold, I Paul say unto you, that if ye be circumcised, Christ shall profit you nothing.

After Jesus' crucifixion and rise to heaven, those who (continue esteeming or started to) esteem the law in the smallest way are required to uphold all the laws to the letter for their righteousness and they are not under grace and being in Christ is not for them. Jesus profited them nothing.

Jesus Christ did not profit those who chose to remain under the Old Moses-ian system. Nor did He profit those who came into the Old Moses-ian system thereafter. They did not get any thing from Jesus, the one in Christ. For them, it is as if Jesus Christ never came to earth. They are the dead, Jesus Christ did not come for them.

Jesus Christ instructed: "let the dead bury their dead". [size=+1]This tells us clearly that Jesus was not interested in spiritually dead people[/size].

Why would Jesus instruct that we 'let the dead bury their dead', if he came for all mankind for all times? He would not. Therefore when you say that Jesus came for 'all men, for all times' you are making that up. You are bearing false witness on Jesus, Himself. You are rewriting the KJV N.T. according to your liking.

'The dead' are those who (continue esteeming or started to) esteem the law in the smallest way. They are required to uphold all the laws to the letter for their righteousness and they are not under grace and being in Christ is not for them. Jesus Christ profited them nothing. Jesus instructed that we leave them to their own kind, i.e. the dead. Jesus did not die for them. He left them under the charge of their own kind, the dead.

Jesus said let the dead bury their dead however you follow me. He confirmed the basis on which he separated goats from sheep. Jesus was interested only in those who followed Him. The dead was not even called to follow Jesus. Only some were called to follow Jesus. And the very great majority of those called to follow Jesus, followed him only physically. These were the great masses of people who witnessed and followed Jesus when he was in a physical human body on earth. They were called. However only a few followed Jesus in the regeneration (i.e. in His Spirit, after he was crucified and rose to heaven). Those who followed Jesus in His Spirit ,after he was crucified and rose to heaven, were and are the chosen. This is how one follows Jesus in the regeneration.

Jesus came to earth for and died for, only those who followed him in the regeneration after he was crucified and rose to heaven. They were and are the chosen few. The others are the very great majority of those called. They fall by the way side. Apparently Jesus could do nothing for them, except leave ideals and laws for managing their behavior until the Holy Spirit granted them spiritual awareness. This was the first entrance requirement. It was for the Holy Spirit to lift them from their spiritually dead' state onto awareness of their own heart or spirit (i.e. spiritual awareness). Then the regenerate Spirit which is called the Spirit of Jesus takes over to bring one onto to grace and Christ, as a child of God. The Holy Spirit does not make one a child of God. It simplu grants the first fruit which enable one to be called to follow Jesus in the regeneration.

This is how the regeneration works:

The regeneration is the regeneration of that lost Spirit which led Adam when He was the original Adam. After the fall of Adam that Spirit was lost. Jesus entire physical escapade on earth was to live on earth as a fallen man and then be restore, crucified and rise to heaven to sit on the right side of God. Then, at that point, using His experience on earth, He regenerate that Spirit and make it available to those people. That Spirit is called the Spirit of Truth. It is also called the Spirit of Jesus. It is not the Holt Spirit, for the Holy Spirit was never lost. This Spirit is the only one which brings one into grace of God and sustains one as a child of God.

After crucifixion and rise to heaven, Jesus in His Spirit became the Lord. Following Jesus in the regeneration means following Jesus in His Spirit and not in the flesh. And where this Spirit is there is liberty to transgress the law and not get sin.

The law is done away with for those in Christ. People 'in Christ' do not esteem and/or seek to uphold the Ten Commandments or canons or any other ideal or law which were and/or are delivered by anyone (including Jesus) in physically spoken and physically written words.

Truth does not come through physically spoken or physically written words. Truth is delivered to each human intuitively through a connection between Jesus' Spirit and our own individual hearts or spirit. This is without physically spoken and physically written words. Also this has nothing to do with doctrines, laws, ideals, etc. which Moses, Jesus and others delivered in physically spoken and physically written words.

If you do not fully recognize and verbalize this Truth, you blaspheme the Spirit. Even if you simply say nothing you blaspheme the Spirit. As one who recognizes and relies on the KJV N.T. you are obliged to recognize the Spirit of Jesus, fully, in the above manner or all you do would be and is, blasphemy of the Spirit.

Even if you are not aware of or onto, the Spirit of Jesus from within your own heart, you must bow your head (as you do for God) in full surrender and absolute recognition of this Spirit when ever it is mentioned in the slightest manner. Any thing short of this is blasphemy of the Spirit. Blasphemy of the Spirit is an unforgivable sin.
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3. Justification takes place once for all. Justification is not repeated, nor is it a process; it is complete at once and for all time. Man is either fully justified, or he is not justified at all. Whereas sanctification is a continuous process, which is never completed in this life.

When, exactly, would you say you, personally, were justified? At some time in the 20th/21st century, or at some time in the 1st century, A.D.?

Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
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When, exactly, would you say you, personally, were justified? At some time in the 20th/21st century, or at some time in the 1st century, A.D.?
When I was fourteen years of age.




New member
I agree with Eternal Security. It can be tough when people say you can lose it if you blasphemy the holy spirit. I understand how they feel. But they may not get the whole story.