$1M Alligator Shoes Please

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Originally posted by OMEGA

Hey Jefferson,

Don't you just LOVE GERALD !!

Doesn't it just make you want to go out and buy a . . .


Oh, stop trying to be coy, you!

Be a man and pull the word "gun" down into the body of the message

NO GERALD the word I was thinking of was -- BIBLE --

because I have never seen you post any Scriptures

in any of your posts and I wonder if you ever owned a BIBLE

or ever read a BIBLE in your Life .:think:


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by Zimfan

:idea: So members of groups persecuted by the majority should take the reins themselves if they want things to change. I agree! It's about time for a lesbian muslim communist of african descent to take over. That'll fix things.
Good luck to'm.

Or, for a more peaceful solution, we could try a constitutional monarchy.


New member
Originally posted by Yorzhik

Good luck to'm.

Or, for a more peaceful solution, we could try a constitutional monarchy.

:think: How would we ensure that the monarch wouldn't be just as eager to eat mutton as the wolves that make up the majority?


New member
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by Zimfan

:think: How would we ensure that the monarch wouldn't be just as eager to eat mutton as the wolves that make up the majority?

It wouldn't. That's the problem.


Resident Fiend
Re: gun

Re: gun

Originally posted by OMEGA
NO GERALD the word I was thinking of was -- BIBLE --...
Nice try, but I don't believe you. The word "gun" in the subject line gives you away.
...because I have never seen you post any Scriptures

in any of your posts...
There's no reason for me to do so.
...and I wonder if you ever owned a BIBLE...
Yes, I own one; I own several, in fact.
...or ever read a BIBLE in your Life .:think:
Yes, I've read it. A number of times, in fact.

It sits on my bookcase now, with several other samples of alleged Holy Writ™.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by Zimfan

:think: How would we ensure that the monarch wouldn't be just as eager to eat mutton as the wolves that make up the majority?
Right. It's the difference between 1 wolf dining on mutton or 1 million wolves dining on mutton.


Resident Fiend
Originally posted by Yorzhik
Right. It's the difference between 1 wolf dining on mutton or 1 million wolves dining on mutton.
Problem is, that one wolf has a million wolves at his beck and call...


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Super Moderator
Originally posted by Greywolf
If not their neighbor, then who?
The government. American citizens are disgruntled with the U.S. government all the time. Big deal. We get through it.

I highly doubt that that will solve the problem. People are irrational, emotional beings. If they don't like the actions of whoever is in charge, then they will probably take it out on that person's supporters likely as not.
Which will cause a man to hate his neighbor more? His neighbor having direct, active influence which caused the creation of a policy that man disagrees with? Or his neighbor agreeing with the policy but having absolutely no responsibility whatsoever for the existence of that policy? Which scenario will tempt the man to hate his neighbor more?

Leviticus 11:5-8
Symbolic laws are not in effect during this dispensation.

Leviticus 11:10-12
Symbolic laws are not in effect during this dispensation.

Leviticus 18:21
This is a law prohibiting child sacrifice. You're actually against this law?

Leviticus 18:22
Laws against homosexual sex have been on our books from the foundation of our country up until just a few of decades ago. What's so radical about bringing them back?

Leviticus 18:29
Exactly. People convicted of homosexual acts should be legally executed by the government. What's the problem with that? This is God's world. Therefore He's the one who gets to deterimine what laws govern this world, not us. We only have the responsibility to obey Him.

Leviticus 19:19
Symbolic laws are not in effect during this dispensation.

Leviticus 19:37
And the problem with this is...?

Leviticus 20:27
A "bibliocracy" is not the same thing as a theocracy. People would be free to practice any false religion they want. The reason for this is because the only way to become a Christian is to do so voluntarily.

I could take an oath, that wouldn't mean that I'm a Christian. Also, how would you decide on what laws the constitution should have?
Constitutions don't have "laws" like the penalty for murder, traffic laws, obscenity laws, etc. None of our laws on those issues are found in the U.S. constitution.

Have you ever heard of the Sword of Damocles?
Yes. What's the point?


New member


Gerald said about the Bible.

Yes, I've read it. A number of times, in fact.

It sits on my bookcase now,

with several other samples of alleged Holy Writ™.

Gerald you sound like a BITTER and HOPLESS man.

I feel sorry for you .:cry: :cry: :cry: :nono:


Resident Fiend


Originally posted by OMEGA
Gerald you sound like a BITTER and HOPLESS man.

I feel sorry for you .:cry: :cry: :cry: :nono:
Save your crocodile tears for someone who cares. :yawn:

Bitter and hopeless? Hardly.

Hard-nosed and cynical, however, is a whole 'nother story...


New member







Resident Fiend
Originally posted by Jefferson
Symbolic laws are not in effect during this dispensation.
Y'know, a columnar chart denoting which laws are symbolic and which ones aren't would be mighty handy...
A "bibliocracy" is not the same thing as a theocracy. People would be free to practice any false religion they want.
Somehow I doubt that you'd protest very loudly if a monarch decided to start rounding up practitioners of those "false religions"...
The reason for this is because the only way to become a Christian is to do so voluntarily.
But using a little fear to nudge folks into voluntarily converting is perfectly acceptable.

One could run PSAs on TV, entitled "The Wisest Decision You Can Make". With some professional marketing and a few prominent examples, you'll have more converts than you'll know what to do with...


Resident Fiend


Originally posted by OMEGA




You start to smell after a while.


New member
no hope

no hope


Are you not going to Die ?

Time is ticking away , how many years do you have left

before you are 80 years old ?

Do you have any Future except to turn to Dust and be gone?

Will that be the End of your Existence ?

Do you have any Hope for the Future ?:think:
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New member
Originally posted by Gerald

Problem is, that one wolf has a million wolves at his beck and call...

And, although enough food may satisfy a wolf, most humans can never have enough money and power to satiate them. Would you rather have a monarch that steals all of your money for him/herself and his/her minions or a democratic government that steals your money and attempts to distribute it equitably?

Besides, when the Israelites demanded a king God said that they "have rejected Me from being king over them"(1 Samuel 8:7). Do you really think that He would be any more fond of the idea now?


New member
Originally posted by Jefferson
The government. American citizens are disgruntled with the U.S. government all the time. Big deal. We get through it.

You seem to think that we are disgruntled with our neighbors all the time for the same reason. We get throught that also, so why change anything?

Originally posted by Jefferson
Which will cause a man to hate his neighbor more? His neighbor having direct, active influence which caused the creation of a policy that man disagrees with? Or his neighbor agreeing with the policy but having absolutely no responsibility whatsoever for the existence of that policy? Which scenario will tempt the man to hate his neighbor more?

I don't think that people get mad at each other over who they voted for, but what they think. But hypothetically speaking, I'd say that most people probably wouldn't give it enough thought to make that distinction.

Originally posted by Jefferson
Symbolic laws are not in effect during this dispensation.

What determines what is a "symbolic law"?

Originally posted by Jefferson
This is a law prohibiting child sacrifice. You're actually against this law?

I was more concerned about the "neither shalt thou profane the name of thy God" part.

Originally posted by Jefferson
Laws against homosexual sex have been on our books from the foundation of our country up until just a few of decades ago. What's so radical about bringing them back?

I never said that bringing them back was radical. I am opposed to making a civil law based solely on one's religious beliefs.

Originally posted by Jefferson
Exactly. People convicted of homosexual acts should be legally executed by the government. What's the problem with that? This is God's world. Therefore He's the one who gets to deterimine what laws govern this world, not us. We only have the responsibility to obey Him.

And for those of us who don't think that God exists...

Originally posted by Jefferson
And the problem with this is...?

I'm not too inclined to follow the orders of someone who I don't think exists.

Originally posted by Jefferson
A "bibliocracy" is not the same thing as a theocracy. People would be free to practice any false religion they want. The reason for this is because the only way to become a Christian is to do so voluntarily.

How would it be different?

A government ruled by or subject to religious authority.
A state so governed.

In your case, your "religious authority" is the Judeo/Christian God.
The Bible (if I recall correctly) is supposed to be the word of God.

It seems to me that in a Christian theocracy that the Bible would have to determine the laws of the country.

Originally posted by Jefferson
Constitutions don't have "laws" like the penalty for murder, traffic laws, obscenity laws, etc. None of our laws on those issues are found in the U.S. constitution.

OK, then how would decide what laws the country should have?

Originally posted by Jefferson
Yes. What's the point?

Do you see any similarity between that and saying that you would be fine with Joe Blow being the head of the country's government?


Resident Fiend
Re: no hope

Re: no hope

Originally posted by OMEGA


Are you not going to Die ?
I thought we answered that a few posts back. Do try to keep up.:chuckle:
Do you have any Future except to turn to Dust and be gone?
I gather you have a problem with this notion?
Will that be the End of your Existence ?
As far as I am concerned.
Do you have any Hope for the Future ?:think:
Beyond my lifetime? Why should I? I won't have any descendants.


New member
Gerald, you must believe in something.

Are you an Atheist like zakath ?
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