2015 Was the Hottest Year on Record, by a Stunning Margin


Active member
To say that 2015 was hot is an understatement. The average recorded temperature across the surface of the planet was so far above normal that it set a record for setting records.

The year was more than a quarter of a degree Fahrenheit warmer than the last global heat record—set all the way back in 2014—according to National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration figures released on Wednesday. A quarter of a degree may not sound like much, but on a planetary scale it's a huge leap. Most previous records were measured by hundredths of a degree.

A powerful El Niño is largely responsible for the year’s extremes, but make no mistake: This is what global warming looks like. Temperatures are rising 10 times faster than during the bounce back from the last ice age. Fifteen of the hottest 16 years on record have come in the 21st century.




Let me guess, the thermometers are in on the conspiracy. :rolleyes:

Mocking You

New member
Only crickets, no comments?
I've got no dog in this fight but the practice of using selective endpoints is a technique used by both sides of this argument.

Look at this thread--"The hottest year on record", well yeah, because temperature records don't go back much further than 1890. At least the headline was somewhat honest. I've seen "Hottest Year Ever" and "Hottest Year in History".


Well-known member
Some people have bought into the twin lies that CO2 is causing climate change and that turning CO2 into a new currency created out of thin air will somehow stop climate change.

Point 1

Climates change ... just like the rest of us that aren't dead. Recording this change is a relatively recent endeavor ... sort of like looking at thermometers. Makes for a pretty limited data base when trying to get the big picture but that doesn't deter some from issuing proclamations on the subject from time to time.

Point 2

The fine folk that have control of the world's various currencies at this point will make currency out of pretty much anything these days. Creative little buggers they are.


New member
A good article:http://wattsupwiththat.com/2016/01/17/once-again-el-nino-didnt-do-what-was-forecast-why/

Once again we are in the middle of an El Nino event that is reportedly modifying temperatures beyond the claimed human effect. The predictions about its strength and impact were wrong again. Why? As Erl Happ noted,

If we wish to understand the ENSO phenomenon we must look beyond the tropics for causal factors. ENSO in the Pacific is just one facet of change in the tropics. Change is driven by air pressure variations at mid and especially high latitudes...

Most of the public incorrectly thinks El Nino is a new phenomenon resulting from global warming. The only thing relatively new is scientific awareness and its influence on global climate. Inca, who sailed the Pacific coast of South America for millennia, knew its effects well. Their priests observed the Pleiades star formation in the spring from high in the Andes to study the optical conditions. They knew empirically that the difference between a clear or shimmering cluster of stars determined the precipitation pattern. It was a useful rainfall predictor and guided when to plant their main crop, potatoes. The atmospheric conditions vary between unstable and stable conditions as the Pacific Ocean switches between El Nino and La Nina, which determines the precipitation pattern...

“There are also apparent decadal variations in ENSO forecast skill (Balmaseda et al., 1995; Ji et al., 1996; Kirtman and Schopf, 1998), and the sources of these variations are the subject of some debate. Finally, it remains unclear how changes in the mean climate will ultimately affect ENSO predictability (Collins et al., 2002).”
They are just as unsure in the 2013 IPCC Report. As an unusual NOAA analysis says,
"The IPCC has LOW confidence in exactly what will happen to ENSO in the future even while they have HIGH confidence that ENSO itself will continue."
They are all ignoring the obvious. They assume that the cause and effect are within the ocean/atmosphere system. It is not. There is no explanation for the mechanism that causes the reversal of pressure between the different sides of the Pacific. Surface pressure differences are caused by temperature difference, but there is no evidence or plausible explanation for that temperature difference. It appears that the primary forcing is in the mechanism that causes a reversal of the Equatorial easterlies.


New member
No. It wasn't really the hottest year on record,
unless you like whorish half-breed millionaires...



Well-known member
Hall of Fame
"2015 Was the Hottest Year on Record, by a Stunning Margin'

Thank God!
Then way is it so freezing now, why all the snow up north? It has record cold. Last winter was also freezing and the year before; it has been some tears now since we had a mild winter.
I hate it! I wish it would get warm and stay warm.