About Me.

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The Messiahist

New member
I was born in Ukraine, Novovolinsk, in 1982 and moved through Italy to North America, Washington State, in 1990. I have lived here ever since. Before I converted to Christianity, I always believed there was a God up somewhere in the heavens, but I didn’t believe in Jesus Christ yet. In my teens, I started getting into worldly things like drugs, stealing, fornication, etc.

I always had this ability, for some strange reason, where I am able to see into the future through dreams. I started getting dreams that I would end up in a certain jail because of a certain thing, so it was. I had dreams of doing certain things that I never thought I would do nor planned on doing and yet so it was. In fact, I even foresaw the tsunamis coming, as there are still some to still come, mainly toward North America (it appears as Washington State and California await their tsunamis). Anyway, I could write a whole book but that’s not my goal here. I started getting dreams where they were warnings that I need to stop living such a wicked life, and yet I still continued, ignoring what I foresaw, to only have the harm come upon me that I foresaw, and to only wonder what kind of being I must be to foresee my own future and not be able to do almost anything about it. It seemed to me that the warning dreams I could manipulate, as if they were saying I need to stop before it happens, and when I didn’t it happened. I had dreams of some of my friends becoming religious and it was so, which seemed kind of strange to me since there was no sign apparent that they would, and why was I foreseeing someone else’s futures? I’m still not too certain about that.

I recall walking one day down the street, not that far away from my house, in a sober state of mind, and all the sudden, I heard what seemed to be an internal and yet distinguished voice started talking in my mind to me as if it was God. I started freaking out because I thought I was developing schizophrenia, but in all my life, that only happened to me once, so I wouldn’t blame it on schizophrenia.

I recall driving with my friend to a pool club. When we got there, there wasn’t anyone there except for a few people, but they were all inside. I didn’t want to be there so I went to his car. I set there for a little bit and I heard what was, strangely enough, omnipresent knocking (as if on a wooden door), three times. I thought it was someone on the car’s window, but looking around for a bit in all directions, there wasn’t anyone there. Then I thought I was hallucinating, but I was sober, so it was weird. A few minutes later, again with the knocking (three times), I looked around and no one was there, so I check my friend’s car stereo, but it was off, and then I looked if there was some kind of device that was making the sound, but I couldn’t locate anything, and I thought it was strange since a device doesn’t make such omnipresent sounds, especially knocking. So, I excused it as something strange happening and started to relax a bit to only have the knocking once more be heard, and that’s when I totally freaked out and kept the matter to myself, supposing I was experiencing something greater than myself (not once did I think it could have been God trying to get my attention). There was complete silence outside the car the whole time, so it wasn’t external sounds. Some thirty or fourth minutes later my friend came back and we left that area, but I didn’t share with him this experience, for it freaked me out.

I recall strange stuff started to happen to me whenever I would try to get high on marijuana. All kinds of strange hallucinations that freaked me out, and one near death experience where I seemed to have O.D. I do recall this one incident where I was getting less high (my high was coming down), and I was walking down the street at night, and all the sudden, the sky turned red, and it seemed like the sky was flames and yet transparent, and I heard loud laughing coming from the sky, that one did a number on me, for I thought to myself how could something as marijuana cause such a hallucination. This other incident, I get high on marijuana and went to Fred Meyers to listen to some music on their devices with earphones where you scan a CD and you listen to a few of the sample tracks. Anyway, I started having this weird feeling as if I was dead, and the I felt like I was about to truly drop dead. Only after I stopped listening to the rap music and got outside for some fresh air was and sat there for a good hour was I able to get rid of the strange feeling that came over me. Something wasn’t allowing me to enjoy marijuana anymore. It got worse off from there, but I won’t mention those incidents since they might even freak you out to hear about such things.

I went through Boot Camp at the age of 17 as an alternative option opposed to a year in juvenile jail. At Boot Camp, I get more sober since drugs weren’t allowed there. After I graduate from Boot Camp, or finished my sentence there, I went home. This still didn’t stop my wicked ways, although it did slow them down a lot. My mistake was starting up smoking again, for I became addicted to smoking cigarettes again.

Much later on, in my twenties, one of my friends who became religious, invited me to go to church with him. The first time, he asked me to go to the front of the church and pray for forgiveness for all the bad stuff I did. I did so, and some guy came to me and laid his hands on my shoulder and prayed also. And then he told me friend that there was something wrong. I felt a little change, a little burden off my chest, but there was something still pulling me towards wickedness. Then, months later on, he took me to a different church and asked me to go to the front and pray for forgiveness for all the wrong things I did, but I said what good was it, and he argued with me a little and then he finally said he’d go up there with me, so I agreed to go. I got on my knees and started praying and asking forgiveness, only this time I prayed out loud and more determined. Then some guy came up to me and laid his hands on my should, and nothing appeared to happen, I was still praying in my own language when all the sudden I was praying something unheard of, I felt a force in me and yet through me, I felt my mouth moving and speaking extremely fast, way beyond my capability to duplicate such speed and numerous unknown words or whatever it was, and yet I had full awareness of myself and that my mouth was speaking on its own its own words. I got a bit scared and tried to stop it, and boy was that hard. The guy, who put his hands on my shoulder, saw that I was freaking out and wondering what’s going on, so he came up to me and said just let it happen, and I stopped struggling and words continued to flow out of my mouth at great speeds, it was almost as if I was speaking more than one language at the same time from one mouth. Anyway, after I was done, I felt such great peace that it rocked my world, I was surprised and wondered what this was. My friend later on told me that I received the Holy Spirit and that I was praying in unknown tongues, although some people there did understand what I was praying.

Some times after that I was to this guy’s house, where a few Ukrainians gathered together to pray. I didn’t know the people and they didn’t know me. And this one woman started prophesying, and I felt within me that it was towards me, I felt this pull. But I didn’t pay head to it, and when we all stopped praying, she asked me why I didn’t come over to her when she called me. I didn’t answer because I didn’t know what to say. Anyway, she got the recorder and where did rewind the tape and play that part again, and then she interpreted what it meant, and it freaked me out a bit, for the message was strong. I won’t share what it said, for it’s personal. Then there was another time where I went to a church where devoted Ukrainian got together to pray, and yet here also there was a prophecy towards me. This was also came true, and yet I’ll keep it to myself.

I started having spiritual dreams, dreams where I was in great presence, dreams where I saw Jesus, dreams where I saw what seems to be my yet-to-be resurrected body, and even dreams of what is yet to come concerning me and the world. As I started living a more holier life, I started having invasions in my dreams by other beings, whether those beings are demons or some other evil forces, I do not know but their cause wasn’t good. I even had debates with some of these beings. And there was this one spirit dream where what seemed to be angels came to my protection against some strange force. Then there was this dream where I was in my room, and two beings came in my room and they started laughing like crazy, so I got angry and followed them, wondering why they were in my house, and I attacked them, and in the middle of the battle the dream ended. In this other dream, a old guy with white hair came to into my room, said do not be afraid and started to teach me something that I cannot recall, I for some strange reason felt inside me that he was one of the Apostles, mainly Apostle John, but I wasn’t too sure what to make of this visit. Anyway, I had many spiritual dreams that made no sense to me from a worldly perspective.

There were times where I was able to prophesy on my own, or better said a prophecy about me through me, and these prophecies did come about as said.

I started getting into reading the Bible and I read it many, many times, over and over, and then I got different versions of the Bible and I read those over and over, and I became educated in the themes of the New Testament, and familiar with those of the Old Testament. I started my own forum where I debated, and I went to other people’s forum and debated there, for I had a belief that opposed the majority of Christianity’s view of God and Jesus, my view was different. I then got Paltalk and I debated for years, and no one was able to refute my theology. Some time later on, I stopped using the internet to only use it again, and here I am. Once more debating on forums, and once more debating on Paltalk. I have made this website for those who are interested to see what I believe.


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God is NEVER spooky or unclear. He always does things which line up with His Word. That's why He gave it to us. Hearing voices in your head isn't His way of communicating. He speaks to your spirit, which is far more clear than voices in your head or voices you hear with your ears. You can easily discern between God's Voice and the voice of a stranger. He is The Comforter. If what you hear doesn't bring you comfort, it isn't Him. He is speaking to you, but He doesn't do so with voices in your head. Your mind can be tricked by the enemy. Your spirit is in perfect communion with The Holy Spirit, since the day you were saved. Your mind still suffers from the fallen condition that came upon men in Eden. You can be convinced that you are hearing God, without God being present, but in your spirit or your heart, you will know the difference.
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