ECT andyc and totton talk freewill


New member
But my dear freewill is the essence of doublemindedness, whether for salvation or for any of God's is will/I won't I it is a debate within the soul and mind.

To receive from the Lord you have to key into HIS perfect will...God's will not our own "freewill"

But it is the preaching of freewill, come to the front to be healed, to be blest, to be saved whatever, make a decision, YOU choose, it is all man.

Now I am not saying nobody gets saved or healed or blest but a GREAT MANY of those who come to the front and do everything they are told to do receive nothing. This is exactly what has brought the Pentecostal/charismatic movement into such disrepute.

See when it was just salvation who knew? if somebody got saved or not, they came to the front, they prayed the prayer so then [according to freewillery] they must have got saved...but no work of grace was done in their heart, they remained unregenerate.

But now they are in the is a disaster, they are the ones who are ambitious for leadership, they find their way to the top places, still unsaved.

But when it comes to miracle ministry it falls flat on it's face because it becomes plain at once that the person who came forward and was prayed for did not get healed.

This is when the preacher starts jumping up and down and screaming for people to have the faith.

Nice try...he he.
What James is saying is that a person must believe and not waver.
And so to believe for a while, then fall into doubt, then believe, then doubt, is to waver. Your understanding of it is to not believe at all while trying to claim something from God.
It's similar to the father of the demon possessed boy. The man brought the boy to the disciples, and so he had faith. His disciples should have had faith, but it was inadequate. Then when the man asked Jesus if he could do it, Jesus responded "if you believe". The man said that he believed, but he also said, "help my unbelief". Oh tots, if you spent some time meditating on these things you'd get an epiphany ;)
The reason there is belief and unbelief is because we are flesh and spirit. Faith starts in the natural (seen) but must cross over into the spiritual (unseen). The flesh wars against the Spirit. The natural man doesn't receive anything from God, but we've all got a natural side to us. It takes effort on OUR part to enter into rest where we can know the answer is on its way :)