blindly obeying "the law".. The Germans did.. 1940s


New member
You who take sides against Kim Davis because she should "obey the law"

we all need to obey the law (except the Administration, of course)

There was a time in the 40s when the law in a certain country in Europe said Jews were "dogs"... should be (will be) deported, their businesses confiscated, their lives TAKEN

and few German civilians stepped up to stop it

6 million Jews (& non-Jews as well).. gone..

because Germans "obeyed the law"...

just following orders... business as usual...



New member
You who take sides against Kim Davis because she should "obey the law"

we all need to obey the law (except the Administration, of course)

There was a time in the 40s when the law in a certain country in Europe said Jews were "dogs"... should be (will be) deported, their businesses confiscated, their lives TAKEN

and few German civilians stepped up to stop it

6 million Jews (& non-Jews as well).. gone..

because Germans "obeyed the law"...

just following orders... business as usual...


Wow, I am impressed. You invoked Godwin's Law in your Thread title and OP. Nailed It!!!


New member
Law is actually an ambiguous thing. There are unjust laws and foolish laws, and as Hitler proved, pernicious laws. Thoreau said, "An unjust law is not a law."


Wow, I am impressed. You invoked Godwin's Law in your Thread title and OP. Nailed It!!!

From Wikipedia:

"Godwin's law itself can be abused as a distraction, diversion or even as censorship, fallaciously miscasting an opponent's argument as hyperbole when the comparisons made by the argument are actually appropriate."

In 2014 an Australian journalist compared the Australian government to the Nazi party, and Godwin himself said the comparison was justified (via Twitter)


New member
Law is actually an ambiguous thing. There are unjust laws and foolish laws, and as Hitler proved, pernicious laws. Thoreau said, "An unjust law is not a law."

Thank you!

What is most unjust is that the STATES have been stripped of their rights, the legislatures therein...

KY voted and the majority said No to same sex marriage.

But the majority means nothing to the Supreme Maroons (Sorry, couldn't help it)

governemnt by the people, for the people...

it doesn't matter anymore... :rain:



patrick jane

You who take sides against Kim Davis because she should "obey the law"

we all need to obey the law (except the Administration, of course)

There was a time in the 40s when the law in a certain country in Europe said Jews were "dogs"... should be (will be) deported, their businesses confiscated, their lives TAKEN

and few German civilians stepped up to stop it

6 million Jews (& non-Jews as well).. gone..

because Germans "obeyed the law"...

just following orders... business as usual...


and there it is - Godwin's Law. look it up, google it. rc just did it !!!!


New member
I guess Kim should have just said

OK... I will follow orders... business as usual...

until the next egregious decision is handed down by the Almighty Supreme Court, which now has replaced God in the US

and no matter what that might be...

follow orders

business as usual..



Well-known member
Because the similarity between allowing homosexuals civil union and denigrating a group of people as animals is so obvious...Last time I checked, Hitler seized power in a highly unstable country and became a dictator. The US is a functioning democracy, where elected officials appoint judges that interpret the constitution and make legislation. Not exactly the same thing. This faux martyr of yours, Kim Davis, simply wanted to ignore that arrangement and only follow the laws she wants to follow and thus undermining the entire democratic process. She had an option, resign from her position and influence the legislation of your country through the same process as everyone else.

Here is a comparison though, since you bring up the nazis, you know who they classified as dogs and killed as well? Homosexuals. Not that different from a lot of people here who dehumanize them every chance they get.
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Well-known member
What happened in Germany in the 1930s and early 1940s happened because the German public wanted it to. They had been humiliated by their losing WW1, and by the excessive reparations demanded of them by the French after that loss. As a society, they were looking for a scapegoat to blame this all on, and the nazis gave them exactly what they wanted, in blaming it all on the Jews.

The laws of a people generally reflect the will of the people because if they don't, sooner or later the people will revolt, and overthrow the law-makers. Yet at the same time, there will always be some people who disagree with the majority of their own society, and so disagree with the laws that society set forth. And that's a tough position to be in, because those people will find themselves in opposition to both their government and most of their neighbors. And that's a battle that few will ever win, regardless of how right they think they are, or even how right they may actually be.

In the U.S., at the present time, the majority of Americans have decided they no longer want to allow the oppression of gays, atheists, blacks, and other traditional social scapegoats that we allowed to be oppressed in the past. And because this change in the general attitude toward this oppression is recent, there are a significant number of people who have not yet come into agreement with it. And there are some who, of course, will never agree. And they are falling into that category of folks who find themselves in opposition to both their government AND their fellow citizens. Which sucks for them. Because that's a battle they are not likely to win, no matter how right they think they are, or even how right they may actually be.

My friend Bob used to say: "Ya gotta ask yourself, is this really the hill you're willing to die for?" And unfortunately, in this instance, that's where you're at if you want to continue oppressing gays, and atheists, and blacks, and whatever other traditional scapegoats you prefer, to avoid having to accept the blame for your waning respect as religious Christians, yourselves.

Just as the German people in the 1930s did not want to accept the blame for their own humiliating and difficult circumstances after starting and then losing WW1.
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