"Carolyn, depart from me..."

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New member
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by Jefferson
Bob now needs to rephrase his statement to, "All liberals hate Jesus, especially Carolyn and 1/2 of granite's family.

Jefferson, maybe some of us have the luxury of an extended family that agrees on every single issue, but that's not the case with mine.

"Bob had a tv show with the political spectrum
At the far left was satan & at the far right was God
Lawlessness – lawfulness
Indifference – love"

Oh, well--if Enyart says it, it MUST be true...


way 2 go

Well-known member
Is there a flaw in this ?

At the far left is satan & at the far right is God
far left Lawlessness – far right lawfulness
far left Indifference –far right love


New member
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by way 2 go
Is there a flaw in this ?

At the far left is satan & at the far right is God
far left Lawlessness – far right lawfulness
far left Indifference –far right love

So Satan is a liberal? Gee. I wish things were this simplistic.

So, evil is NEVER wrought by those at the far right? And evil ALWAYS comes through the far left? I mean, if God is one side and Satan is on the other, what other conclusion is there to make?

And does this describe the personal behavior of conservatives and liberals, or just their politics?

Just to clear things up I'm not taking any of this personally and happen to be as a conservative as a Goldwater-Buchanan ticket, however, I do think this is worth playing devil's advocate for a bit to see how far people would take this thinking.



Staff member
Super Moderator
Originally posted by granite1010
So, evil is NEVER wrought by those at the far right?
Evil is only done by right wingers when they act out of character by doing left wing deeds.


Staff member
Super Moderator
granite: Name a right wing action that is sinful. Note: I didn't say "conservative" nor did I say "republican."


Pain Killer
Super Moderator
Originally posted by Jefferson
Evil is only done by right wingers when they act out of character by doing left wing deeds.
Sounds like a great T-shirt to me! I love it!

granite, you seem smart enough to understand this. Why don't you get it?

way 2 go

Well-known member
IF... liberals were against fornication, adultery, abortion, stealing (government over taxation), homos, …
For the death penalty & proper punishment of criminals

They would be right wing


Resident Fiend
Originally posted by BillyBob
'Scuse me......
Was that you??!

Lay off the broccoli, man!

(It's not the smell, it's the burning of my eyes...)


Resident Fiend
Originally posted by way 2 go
IF... liberals were against fornication, adultery, abortion, stealing (government over taxation), homos, …
I don't engage in any of those behaviors; I must be right wing! Go me!:bannana:
For the death penalty & proper punishment of criminals
So, riddle me this! How do you handle all those blasphemers, idolaters and apostates (aka atheists) who say God doesn't exist?

Do you believe atheists should be rounded up and put to death?

Bob Enyart

Staff member
Hey Gerald, 10 rounds huh? Just call in to the show, you know the number, no? 1-800-8Enyart, M-F, 9pm ET.

Hey Granite, WHO'S SHOUTING?

To all,

Hello. I just wanted you to know that KGOV.com is up again with the last week's worth of shows. A technical problem kept us from being able to administer the site. Thanks for your patience, -Bob


New member
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by Jefferson
granite: Name a right wing action that is sinful. Note: I didn't say "conservative" nor did I say "republican."

The Nationalists under Chiang-Kai Shek were right-wing and absolutely depraved as a regime. Is Chiang's tyranny appropriately "sinful" or do I need to reach for something else? How about protestors at Matt Shepard's funeral who held signs informing everyone that Matt was burning in hell? Not a terribly Christian attitude, in my opinion. The KKK and many other fanatics are quite right-wing in their ideology: is burning a cross and lynching someone not sinful enough? I mean, get real. These are not actions of conservatives or the GOP: they are actions taken by groups and individuals who are self-described right-wingers.

And Enyart, what the heck was your little comment supposed to mean?



New member
Genocide is quite sinful (unless the Lord says its okay, of course, then it's full steam ahead).

You can try and spin it any way you like, but Nazi Germany was not left wing, in just the same way that North Korea is not democratic.


Resident Fiend
Originally posted by Bob Enyart
Hey Gerald, 10 rounds huh? Just call in to the show, you know the number, no? 1-800-8Enyart, M-F, 9pm ET.
The invite is appreciated, but I'm afraid our debating styles are quite incompatible.

Unless you're interested in grenade launchers at ten paces...;)

(See, Zakath is the good atheist around here; I'm the vile and eeeevil one...sort of like "good cop/bad cop"...)


Resident Fiend
Originally posted by Jefferson
Hardly. I'm a scrapper, not a debater.

"Might makes right" and all that, don'cha know...

:: goes back to sharpening claws and fangs ::

:D :chuckle:
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