What's a fares?
A fares is a place with a whole bunch of trees.
Figured it was one of them big wheels at the county fair you go way up high in.
That's the third biggest water wheel I've ever seen.
It's not as big in diameter as the Laxey but because of the huge volume of water was much more powerful and is cited to be the most powerful overshot wheel in history. It powered the whole Burden Iron works in the 1800's.
Sorry, I was making a Maxwell Smart joke there.
My question is, if Jesus is a different color than what you personally can imagine, will you have less acceptance of Him...?Christ's Color???
All You White People who Are OR Are Not Christians, H-O-W are You White??
A-L-L White Men A-R-E (( """"A-L-B-I-N-O-S"""" ))!!!! - What is an "ALBINO"???
What Color is The Heavenly BEINGS, White OR Black??
HEAVENLY WHITE I-S The "TRUTH"; Christ is the "White /// Truth", But Is that the Color WHITE?? -- ((((( N--O-O-O )))))!!!!!!!!
SO, What Color is Heaven AND The Heaven Saints??? ---- They Are ""Christ / Truth / God / Heaven""!!!!
Tell Me NOW; - Are You White OR Black?????
NOW W-H-A-T?????
PAUL, DAVID -- 082516
Look at all y'all wich yer fancy book learn'n skills. Makes a true southerner proud..Lol .Figured it was one of them big wheels at the county fair you go way up high in.
1 Corinthians 14/35
This is A ""Christian / Religious Program""!!!!!!!
God has ""N-E-V-E-R"" Spoken to ANY Woman except to keep Silent and Obey MEN in the CHURCH. ((((( T-H-I-S IS A ""CHURCH"" )))))!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A CHURCH IS A "G-R-O-U-P" Of Religious People and that is "ALL" It IS!!!!!!!!!
PAUL DAVID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The races and their different skin tones began to develop after God scattered the people at the Tower of Babel, into the 70 different languages that became 70 different nations and ethnicities. Adam an Eve were more than likely brown coloured, just the same as the dirt from which Adam was made. Jesus looked like this:
The Real Face of Jesus From the Shroud of Turin:
Wow, he looks so surprisingly like a Hollywood Jesus. Of course, you have to start with the assumption that the shroud of Turin is real. And ignore how much interpretation might have gone into trying to extrapolate that out of the shroud.
A forensic anthropolgist created this image of what a typical Galilean man would have looked like when Jesus was ministering.
In Isaiah 53 the prophet predicted the Messiah wouldn't be attractive to the eye, but since what we find attractive changes a lot with culture and time, it's hard to know what that would actually mean.
But, yeah, as to actual color, His skin would have been a shade common for a descendant of Judah in Palestine. Dark, but not what we call "black".
Finally, we have a visible sign of Christ which has been given to assist faith in our sensory condition. It is called the Lord's supper; and a part of the exercise of communion at the Lord's supper is stirring up faith to spiritually feed upon Jesus. The practice of drawing sensory images of Christ and of contemplating Christ in them is counter-productive to the process of strengthening faith by means of the sacrament. Such a practice sets itself up in direct competition with the institution and ordinance of God, and is accurately called will-worship.
Can you find the little man in th' picture?