Cruz is rising in polls.. esp in Iowa..


New member
Does Iowa really mean anything? Santorum and Huckabee won the last two times. Dole won Iowa when H.W. won the nomination. H.W. won Iowa when Reagan won the nomination. Seems like a flip of the coin on whether Iowa winner becomes eventual nominee.


New member
I am the last person to have any desire to defend Cruz, but yes, he was born in Canada to a mother with U.S. citizenship
His mother's citizenship is questionable.
I haven't found anything that shows that it has been verified that she is a citizen of the United States.
There are statements that she was a citizen of Canada when Cruz was born.

and a father with Cuban citizenship. He had dual citizenship, deriving his U.S. citizenship through his mother, until a couple years ago when he realized that his Canadian citizenship might be a drag on his presidential ambitions, so he then renounced it.
Having a dual citizenship and a foreign national for a parent does disqualify him, just like Obama should have been disqualified for the exact same reason.
Those things make is so he does not meet the "natural born citizen" requirement, even if he is can be considered a native-born citizen.

The reason for the requirement was to ensure that the president would have no foreign citizenship ties that could interfere with his leadership of the United States.

Both Obama and Cruz have foreign citizenship ties because their fathers were foreign nationals, not citizens of the United States, so neither is qualified to be president.


New member
He actually DID become an ally after the Iraq invasion, and he turned in any weapons of mass destruction he had. Thanks to the invasion. Funny how you ignore that. You still haven't explained how anything Cruz said has anything to do with the ends justifying the means, which is no big surprise.

What Cruz said was absolutely true, and he was right, and your claims have absolutely no basis or merit.

yeh, those lefties are always (don't like the word Always but seems to apply here) twisting and distorting---etc-- never explaining their ad hominem attacks on conservatives

They think if they just ridicule a conservative x number of times, that will do--that will put conservative on Stupid List and no one will pay attention to him/her anymore. Unfortunately, this tends to work with uninformed and under-informed people who sometimes even vote.

that is why this country is so messed up. Educate people whenever you can, even if it makes you uncomfortable. We have no choice if we are going to conquer this liberal disease



New member
Plenty of women want nothing to do with feminism.

some want the meat and throw away the bones (like abortion. Abortion is un-natural to women--to humans in general)

women really are often treated shabbily by our society, even as "liberated" as it appears to be