Do You Really Want The Government In Our Bedrooms ?


I can support a thing without enjoying the act. I find NASCAR absolutely pointless.

I've never associated a car race with a sexual perversion, and besides you, I don't believe I've ever met anyone that has (hence MrDeets analogy is pointless).

I still support those who participate.

"Those" being exhibitionists who publically display genitalia in front of children without any fear of repercussion by nearby law enforcement officials.

That being said, I'm about as excited by a hetero couple making out in public as I am a homosexual couple making out. Male or female. PDA is not something I enjoy seeing.

I guess I don't associate me giving my wife a kiss in public with bull dykes, drag queens and fairies doing their "thing" at 'gay' pride parades.

But then I don't think like a moral relativist atheist either.

The Horn

Noculturewarrior , comparing homosexuality to incest and bestiality is absolutely idiotic ! You are totally out of touch with reality and you need psychiatric help ! Chances are you are a repressed or closeted gay man yourself, because the more prejudiced you are against gay people, the more likely you are to be a repressed gay person yourself .


Is anyone out there seriously considering converting to "aCultureWarrior's" version of Christianity?

The Greatest Commandment is based on "love," but I'll leave it to the reader as to how much "love" is apparent in "aCultureWarrior's"
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Arthur Brain

Well-known member
(An atheist and a defender of the LGBTQueer movement? Say it aint so!).

I guess I missed what happened at the last heterosexual pride parade.

BUT, if you want to see homosexual "pride" in action, type "gay pride parade" into any search engine and hit "images".

You mean the ones you search out on a bafflingly constant basis? Those pride parades that you don't apparently wish to see but just "happen" to be in town when an annual one is taking place?

The Horn

How many gay people participate in gay pride parades ? Only a small number of them . And who is forcing you to attend them ? Nobody . Don't like gay pride parades? Don't go to them.
Not all gay pride parades are filled with flamboyant gays . Many of them are just people parading in a dignified manner . The flamboyant gay paraders may look weird, but they aren't a threat to anyone and aren't trying to force anyone to be gay .