Durham charges Clinton campaign with illegal wiretaps on Trump


Well-known member
Wag that dog


Well-known member
Thank Putin for creating that distraction. He's the one who amassed troops on the border of Ukraine. He's invaded before, so why wouldn't he do it again?
Putin did not dare invade Ukraine with Trump in office but he is not the slightest worried about Biden and he certainly was not worried about Obama when he invaded in 2014.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
Durham hired the most vicious, Trump-hating, crooked democrat lawyers and investigators he could find to run a fake investigation that he later claimed he did not know was based upon nothing but lies invented by Hillary.
@ok doser normally puts a like on all of your posts by default, but he didn't like this post. I wonder why?


User Name

Greatest poster ever
Durham hired the most vicious, Trump-hating, crooked democrat lawyers and investigators he could find to run a fake investigation that he later claimed he did not know was based upon nothing but lies invented by Hillary.

tRump fraud.jpg


Well-known member
The release of the Hollywood movie had to be delayed after similarities to the Clinton bombings during the Lewinsky scandal became apparent.

The charge that a president “wagged the dog” is not one anyone should make lightly.
We know this as well as anyone: Both of us were working on counterterrorism in the White House in 1998, when this charge was most famously leveled at our boss, President Bill Clinton. The phrase, derived from the Robert De Niro-Dustin Hoffman movie of the previous year, was instantly affixed to Clinton after he ordered cruise missile strikes against Afghanistan and Sudan on Aug. 20, 1998, in the midst of the Monica Lewinsky scandal and less than two weeks after terrorists bombed the U.S. embassies in Nairobi, Kenya, and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.


Well-known member
@ok doser normally puts a like on all of your posts by default, but he didn't like this post. I wonder why?

Maybe he didn't approve. I like to think most Christians and conservatives are independent thinkers, not devoted in lock-step agreement with whatever leftist narratives the propagandist mob bosses dictate.

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Greatest poster ever
Hillary has a reputation among democrat mobsters for being able to escape charges for any and all crimes, no matter how wicked. She could be called "Teflon Hillary" for her history of escaping charges for her criminal activities.
Translation: "Hillary is guilty until proven innocent, but Trump is innocent no matter what."


Well-known member
Translation: "Hillary is guilty until proven innocent, but Trump is innocent no matter what."
Trump was judged guilty by every wicked leftist in America for four years until facts proved the democrats were lying all along. However, don't expect the wicked to apologize for their wicked false allegations.


Well-known member
Breaking News! Hillary claims innocence and condemns Durhan charges as "fake scandal." That is so typical of Hillary who always condemns those who object to her multiple crimes.

Hillary Clinton broke her silence Wednesday on last week’s explosive court filing by Special Counsel John Durham that alleges Democrats spied on Donald Trump in 2016, calling it a “fake scandal.”
The former secretary of state dismissed the uproar on the right, suggesting it was ginned up by the former president and Fox News.

All democrats need to do is lie, lie, lie, and then lie some more because they know there are millions of rubes in America who will believe any and every lie told them by their leftist and democrat leaders.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
All democrats need to do is lie, lie, lie, and then lie some more because they know there are millions of rubes in America who will believe any and every lie told them by their leftist and democrat leaders.
Durham has yet to charge Clinton with anything.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
"All this new filing showed is that researchers who had access to existing DNS traffic mined it for information," said Bradley Moss, a lawyer who specializes in national security. "There was no unlawful infiltration of Trump or White House servers or anything else that has been bandied about by the conservative echo chamber."

"If there really was something that was proprietary that was stolen, they would have indicted this person under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act. They didn't. And so you've got to ask yourself, 'What the heck is this?'"

So far, Durham has not charged anyone with spying on Trump.


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Breaking News! Hillary claims innocence and condemns Durhan charges as "fake scandal." That is so typical of Hillary who always condemns those who object to her multiple crimes.

Hillary Clinton broke her silence Wednesday on last week’s explosive court filing by Special Counsel John Durham that alleges Democrats spied on Donald Trump in 2016, calling it a “fake scandal.”
The former secretary of state dismissed the uproar on the right, suggesting it was ginned up by the former president and Fox News.

All democrats need to do is lie, lie, lie, and then lie some more because they know there are millions of rubes in America who will believe any and every lie told them by their leftist and democrat leaders.
Expect this to fester and simmer until January 3rd when a Republican majority Senate and a Republican majority house get sworn in.

Until then marvel in the actions of the TOL leftist bots, pushing whatever narrative is currently trending on the worst of the social media platforms.


Well-known member
"All this new filing showed is that researchers who had access to existing DNS traffic mined it for information," said Bradley Moss, a lawyer who specializes in national security. "There was no unlawful infiltration of Trump or White House servers or anything else that has been bandied about by the conservative echo chamber."

"If there really was something that was proprietary that was stolen, they would have indicted this person under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act. They didn't. And so you've got to ask yourself, 'What the heck is this?'"

So far, Durham has not charged anyone with spying on Trump.

Contrary to what leftist Hillary supporters may say to the contrary, Nixon spying on his political opponents was just as illegal as Hillary's spying on Trump, even though neither Nixon nor Hillary did the actual dirty work for themselves.