Crow I want to know why you keep saying that we think the mother should be "sacrificed".
I think this is at least the third time on this thread you have made that assertion and
NO ONE has claimed that the mother should be "sacrificed" or left to die.
Let me say that again because you just keep missing it!
NO ONE has claimed that the mother should be "sacrificed" or left to die.
In these rare tragic cases
EVERY attempt should be made to save the baby! Even if the baby is outside the womb! Now, I can already hear you saying . . .
"a baby that size cannot survive outside the womb" and guess what?
You are right! A baby that small with our current technology
CANNOT survive outside the womb but we should try none the less! It wasn't too long ago when premature babies couldn't survive outside the womb but thanks to medical advances babies are born premature all the time!
Someday . . . (who knows when), these tiny pre-premature babies will also be savable, that is unless the culture of death keeps a hold of the medical community and is satisfied with the lazy practice of murdering the inconvenient roadblock in the form of a precious little baby.