Europe Is Burning


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
ISIS exists because of the west. Our bad.

No! ISIS exists because this president, let alone the the former president's mistake, but, this president, decided to pull all troops from Iraq, created a vacuum that was filled by ISIS. Had the American people actually elected someone that was qualified to lead, ISIS would have never come to pass. Yes Granite, it is American meddling that created the entire mess on a macro level but, No, this inept man sitting in the white house right now owns this entire mess lock, stock, & barrel at the micro level...he created this either by own ignorance, or it was created by him knowingly which makes his action all the more sinister, we may never know what his motives were but, make no mistake Obama does own it.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Blaming America for all of the world's ills has become the posture assumed by short-sighted folks for many years now.

Short sighted folks and sitting Popes it seems...As an American I will never apologize to any nation (or the Pope), in fact the world owes the U.S. it's gratitude, we not only take care of our own but, give aid, shed our sons & daughters blood, feed the needy, we come to the rescue for even people that hate us. The United States owes nobody, the world takes what they can from us and then complains...bunch of ingrates!

This Charming Manc

Well-known member
Didnt he just implement bushes plan for withdrawl?

No! ISIS exists because this president, let alone the the former president's mistake, but, this president, decided to pull all troops from Iraq, created a vacuum that was filled by ISIS. Had the American people actually elected someone that was qualified to lead, ISIS would have never come to pass. Yes Granite, it is American meddling that created the entire mess on a macro level but, No, this inept man sitting in the white house right now owns this entire mess lock, stock, & barrel at the micro level...he created this either by own ignorance, or it was created by him knowingly which makes his action all the more sinister, we may never know what his motives were but, make no mistake Obama does own it.

This Charming Manc

Well-known member
butter wouldn't melt in your mouth......

Short sighted folks and sitting Popes it seems...As an American I will never apologize to any nation (or the Pope), in fact the world owes the U.S. it's gratitude, we not only take care of our own but, give aid, shed our sons & daughters blood, feed the needy, we come to the rescue for even people that hate us. The United States owes nobody, the world takes what they can from us and then complains...bunch of ingrates!


New member
Hall of Fame
Short sighted folks and sitting Popes it seems...As an American I will never apologize to any nation (or the Pope), in fact the world owes the U.S. it's gratitude, we not only take care of our own but, give aid, shed our sons & daughters blood, feed the needy, we come to the rescue for even people that hate us. The United States owes nobody, the world takes what they can from us and then complains...bunch of ingrates!

Which sums up what's wrong with us in one tidy paragraph. Well done.


New member
Hall of Fame
No! ISIS exists because this president, let alone the the former president's mistake, but, this president, decided to pull all troops from Iraq, created a vacuum that was filled by ISIS.

You mean if we hadn't invaded in the first place this wouldn't have happened? Gee. Who woulda thunk it.:rolleyes:

Had the American people actually elected someone that was qualified to lead, ISIS would have never come to pass.

Or if we hadn't rolled over and fallen into a jingoistic stupor. Or if. If. If.

Yes Granite, it is American meddling that created the entire mess on a macro level

So you're agreeing, but loathe to admit it, because...

but, No, this inept man

Yep, that's what I thought.:yawn:

he created this either by own ignorance

The withdrawal was set by his predecessor, thanks to a war said predecessor created, based on invented evidence and a complete fiction. Obama was left holding the bag by a nincompoop.

But, uh, yeah. Go us. USA. USA. USA.


Active member
Europe Is Burning
Nigel Farage says the immigrant flood is threatening our civilization.
By Tyler Durden

Zero Hedge

“We are heading towards disaster” exclaims UKIP’s Nigel Farage in this brief clip. Having warned for months about both the consequences of actions and the EU’s disastrous policies, the flood of immigrants, Farage warns “we face a direct threat to our civilization if we allow large numbers of people from that war-torn region into Europe.”Simply put, he fears within EU policy “there is no way to filter out extremists in favor of people fleeing in genuine fear of their lives,” and suggest following the Australian policy.

EUROPE IS BURNING Nigel Farage part 2

You sound like an ignoramus who has never stepped outside his own little town.

Have you ever actually been to Europe or the areas you are supposedly concerned about?

It is easy to fool those who are hyper-fearful, which is unfortunately a large percent of the population.


Active member
Europe brought this situation on themselves through inaction, I would say they are getting what they deserve.

So they are getting less poverty, less crime, better health, compared to the US.

What must you think of the US to deserve that? Or are you one of those ignoramuses who denies these plain facts?


Active member
Look out, Rocketman. We're doing the same thing here, thanks to the libs and their picks for President.

You lie. We have more crime, more poverty, and worse health. We would be far better off if we did the "same thing".


Active member
The main problem is western Europe and the European decent persons in the USA, is the refusal to have more children.

You think not having unwanted children is a problem, and the solution is more unwanted children? Are you sure you are thinking clearly about this?

They rather have more money, consume more goods, and not have to live the way most persons have in the past, struggling to get by with less income.

During the 'baby boomer' era, two parents were having I believe, an average of three children, today, however, the average family has one or tow children. Less people for the future workforce.

So children are merely a tool in your mind to serve the older generation? Too few of them, and you don't get enough labor to serve the old farts?


Active member
Oh how I would love to have the posts and threads from several years ago to display where liberal and Libertarian TOL'ers alike stated that Islam is not a threat to western civilization.

Please continue hiding in your closet, fearful of the world. You have less influence that way.


Active member
I'm more concerned with how all these European nations are going to absorb all these refugees. No one seems to be talking about this. Is there enough housing, jobs, or schools for these people? Or are they just going to be pushed into poor areas and create new ghettos? The latter seems the much more likley outcome. This guy seem to get it.


Do you have any clue on how many people live in the EU vs how many refugees they are accepting?

My challenge to you: research the numbers, and report back. Then explain how those numbers in relation to the total population will still lead to your "likely outcome".


Active member
Like Bill Clinton did in 1990's when Bin Laden was having Americans murdered and embassies blown up? That worked out well.

In what way did Bill Clinton disengage from supporting Israel, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia (which, as you are probably unaware, are all part of the Middle East)? These lies must help you sleep at night, because your mind is wrapped beyond any possible help.